John Doe as Jacob the Dream Master

the role was originally written for Jacob and signs are there. Take that "10 years from now" crap out the window where it belongs as it is arbitrary and think about it. We learn in the orphanage that both John and Maggie were kids there at one point. Could it be that Freddy killed Alice and Jacob/John was placed in an orphanage? Also John was the last kid in Springwood and this was no fluke. Freddy used him to kill off the other kids in town. Then halfway through the movie i think he starts remembering he is Jacob as he very easily accepts the fact he can go into Spencer's Dream to try and help him. He also looks shocked when Traci shows up almost like he is thinking "What are you doing here i didnt pull you in" but forgets it to try to save spencer. This could symbolize that with the souls of all the kids in town Freddy is now strong enough to not need a dream master and just needs to hitch a ride into the next town via his daughter. And although John remembers he is Jacob he still only ever remembers being


an orphan and figures with his forgotten past and his unusual dream powers that he must be Freddy's son when in reality he was Jacob Johnson: Son of Freddys fiercest rival (Until Jason) and the inherent of the dream master powers and has battled Freddy since before birth


In the original script, yes John Doe is Jacob, but NOT in the movie.

Create a society in which you would like to live, not knowing what you're going to come into it as.


Well the say in "King Kong vs. Godzilla" that Kong was originally written for Frankenstein's monster but it was changed but certain parts were left in like Kong becoming revitalized by a lightning bolt. So is this a new character with hint elements that it was originally written for Jacob or does it imply it is Jacob. Kind of a way to still have him there but at the same time distance itself from the failure of dream child? it just seems too much to me that at the point he starts remembering who he is that he knows with all certainty that he can enter spencers dream


To me part 6 was meant to be totally separate from the rest of the series, I think they wanted a totally new fresh movie that didn't rely on past events.

Create a society in which you would like to live, not knowing what you're going to come into it as.


i think they wanted to have their cake and eat it to by implying he was Jacob through subtext but still being able to pull off being distinct



But if John was really Jacob he would have only been 12 years old. Born in 1989 and 10 years from 1991. That would make him only 12 right?


But if John was really Jacob he would have only been 12 years old. Born in 1989 and 10 years from 1991. That would make him only 12 right? Also the only thing John did as far as delivering kids to Freddy was being involved in the kids coming to springwood they dreamt of Freddy without him. Freddy used him to retrieve his daughter so he could escape being confined to springwood.
