Worst! How bout....Best!

Seriously I think this one stands out as one of if not the best NOES film. It could be that it was one of the first NOES films I had ever seen, actually the first one I think and one of the first horror films I had ever seen as well. I can only really remember fear entering me as I inserted a VHS tape once in my life and this was that VHS tape , I think the tape was blue too for some reason. Anyway, I didn't experience this with The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, although my mom tried for several years when I was young to keep it from me, perhaps it was too built up, not even The Exorcist which my dad often warned me about, nope only one movie ever scared me, it was this.

After watching the trailer on Youtube and seeing the cool 90's F/X it definitely brings me back to when this was the *beep* I thought a lot of cool stuff happens in it and it has a sick soundtrack, Goo Goo Dolls, Iggy Pop, the first few NOES films in my opinion are pretty boring. Especially #2 they only got good and creepily colorful after 1 and 2. I thought Freddy's Dead was a cult classic personally, not sure why all the hate.

"I don't shut up, I grow up, and when I look at you I throw up!"



I've always liked the film and think part 5 is the worst in the series.



It's offical!! EVERYONE ~but me~ who likes this movie hates part 5 and everyone who likes part 5 hates this movie, I've never seen an exception to this rule...excpet myself.. I love all the movies.

Just because we lose today's battle doesn't mean we've lost tommorow's war.


I like both. This one's my favorite along with Dream Warriors. Part 5 is up there too.

Reportin' live for Black TV: White folks are dead, we gettin' the f*@# outta here!


Part 5 had the hot naked woman at the beginning. Oh yeah.
"You want me to roll 6,000 of these!? What? Should I quit my job!?" George Seinfeld


I wouldn't say it's the best, but it's definitely not the worst. I actually like this film. I think it was one of the first NOES films I saw when I was a child and I still like it today. I think the absolute worst would have to be the remake if you consider it part of the series (which I do). But I think this is quite underrated and gets way much more hate than it deserves. I don't really think any of the NOES films are bad except for the remake.

I've been waiting for you, Ben.


I agree with horror2. For me its not the best but its not the worst. The worst for me is 2. Personally I loved learning more about Freddys background.

Zivas turning in circles. Either the trails gone cold, or shes about to mark her territory-Tony


i ADORE this movie, one of the best in the franchise

ehy H2 haters, look this



This is the best sequel for me. IMDB actually categorizes this as a comedy. 😁


I wouldn't say it's my favorite, but it's right up there. I appreciate it when a long running series takes chances and tries new things. It freshens things up. I really enjoyed the cartoony feel this movie had. Most realistic portrayal of dreams/nightmares as well. Things rarely make sense in dreams and are often a little over the top, a good example being the youre *beep* map scene.


Boy, and I thought "The Dream Master" was taking the series to a really cheesy direction, but then I finally saw "The Final Nightmare". Now to be fair, I had lots of fun while watching this, but at the same time it was hard to believe it still was the same film series that started from "A Nightmare on Elm Street" (1984), since it was basically Looney Tunes.



Yup it's my favorite too. I think it's more the Alice fans just being bitter she didn't get to appear because other than that this movie is similar in tone to 3-5 and has some of the cooler more surreal death scenes which I really liked.
