this one is actually pretty good

really different but i liked it. i hate the comedic aspect of it but still like it. cool backstory. finished the blu ray 5 minutes ago and i went in thinking i'd hate it but didn't. part 2 and 4 are my favorite. watched first 6 and really loved them.

hope a few people liked this one. i prefer any slasher to these new supernatural ghost story movies


I've always liked it, it's very underrated and gets so much hate.


The backstory of Freddy I thought was cool, and seeing Alice Cooper play Freddys father, but nothing else in the movie I liked.

The characters where not likeable, and the effects where pretty bad. Even Freddys laugh was getting on my nerves.

The acting for the most part isn't that bad, but I think the script needed a lot of spicing up to make for better dialog.

Just watching the death scene of the deaf guy, it didn't feel like it was *beep* right. It not only missed a good music score the intensify the scene, but the lighting was too bright and Freddy just looked too lit up, despretly needing darker light for the mood, because you could just see his face looked like plastic rather than that kind of more oiled look in every other NoEs.

That just kept going throughout the rest of the film. The lighting is what I hate about this movie the most. It really *beep* it up and made it look all wrong.


I don't have a problem with any of it, the dark scary stuff had already been done in most all the other Nightmares as you said, by this point Freddy was exposed and lit up.

Create a society in which you would like to live, not knowing what you're going to come into it as.


i thought carlos was very likeable

