MovieChat Forums > Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991) Discussion > Was the house that Freddy lived in with ...

Was the house that Freddy lived in with his wife and daughter

supposed to be the same house that Nancy lived in, in the first movie?


Yes, thanks in large part to writers not giving a thought to the continuity of the series.

Up until Part 4, the house was established as Nancy's house, then Jesse's, then (apparently) abandoned. Part 4 established it as Freddy's house, although you could interpret the comments Kristen and Rick made in a way that doesn't necessarily have it to where Freddy lived there pre-death. This film screws it all up by point-blank stating Freddy not only lived there, but had a wife and daughter to boot.

So what we must accept is, Freddy lived there. Then Marge, Donald, and many of the other parents murdered him. Then Marge and/or Donald decided "Hey, let's not let this beautiful house go to waste".

So dumb...


It's probably also the house Freddy was raised by his abusive step dad.

The house is one of the many mysteries of the NOES series. Some ppl speculate the Thompson family moved into the house shortly after they killed Freddy to kinda cover things up and have control of the house.

In one script, Freddy's house was NOT Nancy's house but it looked identical to it. And the address is 1667 Elm Street instead of 1428.

Create a society in which you would like to live, not knowing what you're going to come into it as.



I dunno if it's right but in MY mind, the normal looking house is Nancy's and the dilapidated house is Freddy's.

The house is normal and inhabitable in part 2, the next time we see the house in the real world is in part 4 and it is all dilapidated. I know the house is in part 3 as well, but it is only in the dream that we see it so it would make sense that it could be dilapidated.

Part 4 only takes place two years after part 2, I doubt the house would have become THAT dilapidated in just 2 years.

Create a society in which you would like to live, not knowing what you're going to come into it as.



Freddy's Dead is sort of like the Freddy for Douchebags who dont know Freddy. You see douchebags don't wanna hear "Well it was Nancys house and then Jesses Yada Yada Yada" to them its Freddy's house and that's as far as it goes and that's what this movie delivers for them. Further evidence indicates this also by the fact that Freddy can go into anybody's dream now without use of a dream master which we geeks filled in with the fact that Freddy gets more powerful after every kill and eventually didnt need a dream master. But the sad fact is it was really just douchbaggery writing


I've thought abuot all this and one possibility is he could have killed Alie between movies, thus taking her ability to get into anyone's dream.

It could be that he was trying to get that power from Krsiten when he killed her but she was too fast for him and gave it to Alice.

Create a society in which you would like to live, not knowing what you're going to come into it as.


You see in Freddy's Dead they sort of took every douchebag sterotype of Freddy and mixed it all in a blender. Like what people who dont really know Freddy thinks that it is. One of these being that the house shown in the movies is Freddy's House. You see the typical douchebag aint gonna tell ya "That was Nancy's House then Jesse's" They are gonna tell ya "Thats Freddy's house"......other examples of this include Freddy being able to haunt anybodys dream he wants, The kids able to go into each others dreams for no reason at all and the line "Every Town has an Elm Street"
