Freddy and Doc

I think the interaction that Freddy and Doc had was a really great scene that none of the previous or later films really utilized.

I understand the character of Freddy, but it was cool to see Freddy interact with an adult, who obviously wasn't a dumb kid, and the conversation they had was informative. I always wondered how Freddy knew that Doc was who he was, but that also made the scene unique: a professional (skeptic perhaps) having a conversation with Freddy who is indeed.

A small moment, but certainly one that I haven't forgotten about and always look forward to seeing again.

I wish there was more interaction between Freddy and Doc. Maybe in the workprint.


Yeah I'd like to see Freddy actually have a convo with someone without killing them right off, this is about the closest we get.

The past doesn't exist and the future is only an illusion.



I think it would benice to see a little depth tothe killer.

In the original script to part 6, he DOES have quite a lengthy conversation with a guy, and sorta makes a deal with him. It was sorta silly in comical Freddy style, they were in a Nightmare pub and Freddy and the guy have a beer together if I'm remembering right LOL

The past doesn't exist and the future is only an illusion.


That wasn't Doc... and that's wasn't a script for "Freddy's Dead". The script you're referring to was just one of the rejected entries for Nightmare 6. "Freddy's Dead" was its own distinct script written by De Luca and Talalay.


Yeah I know it wasn't Doc, the script I'm talking about features Jacob Johnson as the MAIN character and it features the Dream Police. But as far as I know it's the official Freddy's Dead script I've been told there is no script that follows what ultimatly became the movie.

And I heard Talalay talking about how the script was totally redone.

Question your prejudices.


You were told wrong. I have a pdf file of De Luca's actual "Freddy's Dead" script, complete with Talalay's handwritten notes on the margins of the page. It has some rather interesting concepts that didn't make it into the final film such as references to past films and what Freddy REALLY has planned for Maggie.


Can you send that to me some how?

Question your prejudices.


For you, sir, and anyone else who'd like to read it--


OK thanks

Question your prejudices.


can you please email this to me because your link is incapacitated.

"I think I liked it better when I thought Sylar ate brains."



I really liked Doc.


I did too. I also liked the info he gave out about the Dream Demons as well.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger



I agree that the Freddy/Doc scene was very interesting, simply because of how atypical it was.
