The 1 thing i like in this is

That as soon as the lead guy sees Freddy's house he just says "Fck this" and runs in the opposite direction. He doesn't stupidly go into the house like so many others in the franchise did. I'm not a fan of this movie by any means but i did like that part just because it was an actual smart move. Cause so many times in this series you're just screaming at characters "Don't go in the house you retard!".

When Gotham is ashes... you have my permission to die. -Bane


I don't really think the others went into the house on their own free will, I think in SOME way, Freddy was leading them in there, and also in dreams you do weird stuff, esp when you're terrified. I know I've had dreams where I would be scared of something and run RIGHT toward it, almost with the attitude, "I'll scare it before it scares me!" lol

Same reason Alice went into the movies at the end of part 4. I always wondered why she did that, that seemed like aa very strange time to go to the movies. lol

Create a society in which you would like to live, not knowing what you're going to come into it as.


yeah i totally understand what you mean, but since they had a character do the smart thing in this and run away it makes you ask the question why didn't all the others do the same?

The lead guy in this movie seemed to be unaffected by the dream making him do things as you alluded to. Like when he was in the flying house again and said "Theres nothing thats gonna get me off this bed" Then the place caught fire to get him out. In certain scenes i guess they tried to make him seem smart, almost putting the audience in his shoes.

When Gotham is ashes... you have my permission to die. -Bane


I guess different ppl do have different mentality in dreams. Plus Freddy was not really wanting John in the house, he was wanting to send him to the town his daughter was in so she would come back to bring him out of Springwood, so he really had no need for John to be there, I guess that's why he didn't lead him into the house.

I know Kristen always seemed to be one running right toward the danger, she's always going into the house and going right to the basement, I think in her case she was paranoid and felt she had to make sure Freddy was still dead.

Create a society in which you would like to live, not knowing what you're going to come into it as.
