I Love This One

I dont understand all the hate for this one. I know I know Freddy is supposed to be scary, but I love it how funny he is in this one:

Nice HEARING from ya Carlos!

Hey Spence. Lets trip out. ( I just love it how he says hey Spence).

He pushes the spikes...and then gets tired.

Hey...what do ya know...I beat my high score.... ha...HA HA HA HA HA!

Now I'm playing with power!

But this...this is my favorite. (Holds up middle finger). They even tried...holy water!

I'll Shout It Everywhere I go, I Love You Barry Manilow!

RIP The King Of Pop


I agree dude, a lot of people tend to trash this film and #2 Freddys Revenge. I think all of the Freddy films have their good points and bad points but personally i think #5 The Dream Child is the weakest entry in the series.

I really liked Freddys Dead as I remember checkin it out when it first came out and i was a 8 year old kid. I also am really nostalgic for 90s culture and music and this is definately the grungy NOES film not to mention the pop culture references like Johnny Depp and The Power Glove etc etc. And the 3d idea was cool too even if the special effects are a bit ineffective watchin it on TV at home.


And I don'tget WHY all the hate toward part 5, when I saw part 5 for the first time I thought that asylum as as scary and creepy as hell, it freaked me out!

Question your prejudices.


i completely agree with you i like this one very much
non sensical and completely cartooney but fast and fun
for my part i didn't like the 5th and the 4th
i tought actors were mediocre and very long and boring


IMO Freddy IS scarey in this one just in a different way, he's psychologically terrifying. THere are more ways to be scary than just the classic shadowy figure creeping around in the dark

Question your prejudices.


You know why I hate this piece of crap movie? Cause they turned Freddy into a freaking Looney Toons character. I don't like 2 much, but its not like this one.

It's like he's a dream demon, and all he can come up with is pushing a bed of spikes out there like a bad imitation of a looney toon's cartoon? The deaths in the other ones were way more creative and not so cartoony.

"Everybody's Gotta Have A Dream" - DJay From Hustle & Flow


People bitch about this one being so comical but it has some of the most disturbing scenes of all the movies, I mean Freddy making a girl relive being raped by her dad, tormenting a deaf kid with his handicap, that's pretty sick!

And so what if it IS like loony tunes, dreams are like that sometimes.

Question your prejudices.


I disagree, but hey to each his own.

Nice HEARING from ya Carlos!

I actually liked this because it's like how it was in the previous 3 movies: Freddy is being cruel and sadisitc about/while murdering someone.

Hey Spence. Lets trip out. ( I just love it how he says hey Spence).

It's funny because I liked how he said Let's trip out.

He pushes the spikes...and then gets tired.

I hated that part. It's one the parts I'm referring to when I say Freddy became a parody of himself....and a cartoon.

Hey...what do ya know...I beat my high score.... ha...HA HA HA HA HA!

I didn't like that part because he reminded me of my grandpa.


Freddy kinda reminds me of a creepy old grandpa with a twisted sense of humor :)

Question your prejudices.


Yeah same here, but especially that part where he says I beat my high score.


I liked this one too. For the first time since the third movie I actually cared about the characters again. 4 and 5 didn't really do it for me I guess...
And I didn't mind this one being somewhat of a comedy. I mean, after five movies how scared of Freddy are we really anyway? I've come to enjoy his sarcasm and thought it was great fun.



I really liked this one. It's a bit different than the rest of the series, but i really enjoyed the comedy aspect of it. I can understand why most fans don't like it though.


It's always been my favorite.


raise the bar, man-have you only seen one horror movie in your life?


I actually really liked this movie, too. I'm not a huge fan of the Nightmare on Elm Street series but I weirdly loved the genuine nostalgic 90s feel of it someone mentioned earlier, I also liked it mainly because it was really funny and made me like Freddy. It was weird, and okay it was pretty bad, but laughably bad, doesn't mean it's not fun to watch


Ah yes true. The nice hearing from ya Carlos...again shows what a bastard Freddy is...but a loveable bastard.

Dont Apologize. Its a sign of weakness-Leroy Jethro Gibbs


