Freddy's Makeup in This is Horrible

Srry but its true, even worse then Part 5.....


He looks like Grandpa Munster.


who did the makeup in this one? I cant remember.. the only ones I know are

pt.1)David Miller
pt.2)Kevin Yagher


It basically just looked like Englud with a few scares on his face. He looked more human to me.

Question your prejudices.


I have to agree. The makeup in this entry just wasn't very good.


It's not the make-up that was bad, it's the lighting. Too much light. They lit up his face like if he was some glamour girl.

__________________________ Last watched:



It was lit far too brightly and it was far too dry, in the other films they smeared the make-up with KY gel to give it a wet and slimy look which was completely absent in this one.

Another problem that plagued the last two sequels is that they didn't make the burns and crevices in his face deep enough, in the first film and even the second it looked as if his skin was burnt to a crisp and was flaking off in spots but here it looks too uniform and smooth.

"Mr. Treehorn treats objects like women, man."


Worst in the series! Plus, having so much light on him definitely didn't help!
