MovieChat Forums > JFK (1991) Discussion > What to conspiracy theorists say about t...

What to conspiracy theorists say about the seating positions?

While I don't believe that Oswald acted alone I am about 50.0000000000000000001% sure that one bullet was capable of the wounds that Kennedy and Connelly had when you see how they were seated.....

What is the conspiracy theorist counter-argument to this? I'm not saying it as an insult but just sheer curiosity as to what people think.... though I don't see why there couldn't still be a conspiracy even with one bullet.



One pristine bullet?

LBJ's mistress on JFK:


It wasn't pristine. The bullet is significantly deformed along the long axis. Last year the PBS program NOVA had a forensic firearms expert do tests related to the Kennedy assassination. They used a carcano and the same type of ammunition and fired it at ballistics gel simulating human flesh. They're results were identitcal to what happened with the single bullet. The bullet was deformed along the long axis.

Unless Alpert's covered in bacon grease, I don't think Hugo can track anything.


There are no bones in ballistic gelatin


I don't believe it hit any going through Kennedy. It shattered Connally's wrist and slightly injured his thigh bone, but by then it was going much slower.

The ballistics are completely clear on this. There were two shots which hit the targets: the fatal shot and the "magic bullet" shot and they came from the corner of the sixth floor depository where Oswald had constructed his sniper's nest.


I agree that even if the SBT is true, it doesn't mean Oswald acted alone

Here is a video that explains one alternate theory on the sequence of shots (discussion of the alternative to the SBT begins at 3:30)

And you can find a lengthy critique of Dale Myers (The 3D computer animation guy who worked on the ABC documentary about the JFK assassination) at the link below (Myers' responses are included)


There's no way it could have happened for one main reason, and it has nothing to do with seating. The wound at the base of Kennedy's neck was one of exit. I have interviewed three different doctors there that day, and they all agreed that it appreared to be an exit would, but was obliterated when Dr. Malcolm Perry performed the tracheotomy during emergency surgery.


The tracheotomy only obliterated the front-throat portion of the gunshot wound. The wound on the back of the neck was left alone, and can be seen in autopsy photos. It is rather small for an exit wound.


The rear wound was not in the neck, but the shoulder. I've seen the autopsy photos, and interviewed three doctors who were in Trauma Room 1 that day (Peters, Crenshaw, and Giesecke), who all told me that was where it was,and also spoke of the throat wound as being fairly regular, like one of entrance, before Dr. Perry's incision. Giesecke, who assisted with Gov. Connolly's surgery told me they "left a hell of a lot more metal in him than we ever took out."


I was wrong to write "neck." But it's not quite in the right shoulder, either. The wound is in the upper back, very close to where the neck meets the right shoulder but slightly below both. The doctors may have told you "shoulder" because of the underlying musculature that connects with the shoulder. But the shoulder itself, at least the way I understand it, wasn't hit either coming or going.


The jumper seat JFK was in would render the "magic bullet" theory null and void.



JFK and Jackie were in the rear seat. Connally and his wife were in the jump seats ahead of them. Governor Connally was inboard and slightly lower than JFK. A bullet fired from above and to JFK's right could pass through both of their torsos then continue through Connally's wrist and into his thigh.
