MovieChat Forums > JFK (1991) Discussion > Comprehensive still? Does this film cove...

Comprehensive still? Does this film cover all the theories up to date?

It has been awhile since I watched this. I felt at the time this was a comprehensive piece covering all the theories.

Is this still the case? I know now, just this year, more doctors have come forward confirming killing shot came from front and there was a also polaroid showing no one in grassy knoll the instant of shooting.


The film's screenplay was adapted by Oliver Stone and Zachary Sklar from two books. On the Trail of the Assassins (1988) by Garrison and Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy (1990) by Jim Marrs. Both books were poorly written and the film suffered as a result.

In his book, A Heritage of Stone (1970), Garrison blames the CIA and others for JFK's death, he does not mention Shaw even though he had him put on trial for JFK's assassination. On the Trail of the Assassins (1998), Garrison blames Shaw for JFK's death.

It was unfortunate that the victim (Clay Shaw) of Garrison's slander/libel did not live long enough to sue him. Also lucky for Garrison was the fact that the law did not allow the surviving family of those libeled, to sue back then.

Gerald Pozner's Case Closed and Vincent Bugliosi's Reclaiming History are good books to read on this subject. You might like the books unless you're always going to be convinced that a former Marine could have not hit a large slowly moving target at close range.


Thank you Ranb for this great response :)


Garrison was crazy and never should have been taken seriously.


What do you think really happend then?


Take Ranb's advice to read Gerald Pozner's Case Closed and/or Vincent Bugliosi's Reclaiming History.


This book drives that point home:


You may enjoy this book which examines Garrion's "investigation" and the making of JFK.


i have read both. good books.
