MovieChat Forums > JFK (1991) Discussion > This board's commenters are deluded and ...

This board's commenters are deluded and brainwashed

There is certainly plenty of strong circumstantial evidence, first hand testimony and whistleblower accounts etc to believe that powerful factions and individuals conspired to kill JFK.

Swinging your handbags at Garrison and Marrs, both of whom were on the right track, doesn't negate that.


The way JFK's body and the limousine, arguably the two most important pieces of physical evidence in the case, were handled alone makes me highly suspicious that there was some fuckery going on.


Neither of the two damage points seen in the limo, the dent in the chrome and the crack on the inside of the windshield, are evidence that points to anything other than it being hit by fragments of the 2 bullets that hit Kennedy from behind.


When something as big as a president being murdered in public happens, it's hard to imagine the government not doing some lying to make it all fit whatever narrative they think is most effective for the public to believe.


The FBI being the FBI is responsible for much of the conspiracy theories. Since the FBI habitually conspired to deny US citizens access to information that belongs to the people, gathered by the bureau. This happened right up until this century and about the most mundane things. It is simply the culture there.

Also the Warren Commission made a big error stating that there is no evidence of a possible conspiracy. Committee members at the time said that it was misleading to make that statement. There is plenty of evidence that a conspiracy was possible. But there was no evidence that disproved that Oswald did the shooting or that he was working in concert with anyone. None.
