MovieChat Forums > King Ralph (1991) Discussion > The greatest film of all time?

The greatest film of all time?

Where to begin? The dry subtle wit of that sly thespian, John Goodman? The breathtakingly succinct portrayal of the supercillious and sinister aristocracy? The tear-jerking and anguished forbidden love of Ralph and what's her name? Whoa! This movie's got it all.

Goodman's masterful command of his roll as the common, beer-drinking, blue-collar Everyman (the most riveting depiction ever in film history) obliterates the shackles of his usual Shakespearean type-casting. What can't this man do? He is clearly the perennial uber-chameleon of stage and screen.

Whether you are trying to find meaning in the existential malaise of our time; searching for a film that would inspire and impart the necessary ethical ideals our children so desperately need and yearn for; or maybe you're just in a mood for mesmerizing adventure, rib-breaking humor, and scintillating romance - do your soul a favor: BUY THIS FILM!



i am not sure what movie he was better in this one or the big lewbowski


I wouldn't think so, I don't get blown away by it (drama), and i don't laugh my ass off by it either (comedy), but it's an enjoyable watch and blues brother John Goodman is hilarious as the total outcast.
I like the acting from the others too. I like it. I like it.

Alone in the night,
with no company but the moon light,
laying in my bed, staring at the roof,
remembering the good times i once knew,
the midnight train passes by,
it's the closest thing i get a wishing goodnight,
Alone in the day,
empty rooms, everyone i knew has gone away,
there are no more ticks from the clock on the wall,
and my coat and shoes are standing still in the hall.


This movie is a masterpiece. It's like Andrei Tarkovsky, Franz Kafka, and Vincent Van Gogh were all trapped in a room together and forced to create the most beautiful piece of artwork ever captured on celluloid. Just a breathtaking film; It's right up there with Airbud 2: Golden Reciever and Leonard Part 6.

"I'll sue you in England!"- Harlan Ellison.


No, but it is a great comedy.


"perennial uber-chameleon"

"existential malaise" ---- no need to talk like this, u like to hear urself talk

and secondly, how can one possibly take john seriously when he addressing parliament, when less than two hours earlier, he had an afro nested by a cubs hat, elvis style aviators and a skid row shirt on?


jackatstate... i think you missed the point


No, not the greatest film of all time, not even the greatest comedy of all time, not even the greatest comedy of 1991, but it was a charming comedy nonetheless. Goodman and O'Toole do very well together, and they get that good odd couple vibe going in certain scenes. And John Hurt is perfect as the aristocratic schemer. Seems to be a kind-of parody of his role in Scandal. Must say, the lady who plays Miranda is very cute indeed.



Shhh. I'm busy visualizing Goodman "commanding his roll".


It looks like John Goodman has commanded a lot of rolls!


Wow !





the problem with this kind of satire is that it's simply not funny. the unnecessary use of 10 dollar words also dilutes the prose and makes it pompous rather than witty.
