British Stereotypes

For the Brits, which stereotype did you like best?

I found it hilarious the idea that they might serve sausage and mash at a banquet at the palace, and even then, call it "bangers and mash", and spotted dick for desert etc.
Also that everyone who was British all wore suit and tie and spoke BBC English, even people walking around on the street.



are you watching it on ITV as well Rimsy? lol


I liked how Burger King had a portrait of the King hanging above the counter!



Are you British? I find American stereotypes of British people really irritating, they have no idea of real British people. And I hate these plots where a good hearted American comes over to the UK and we all roll our eyes up at the Americaness (because apparently they're SO different from us) then eventually get won round by their charms.

Americans are meant to dislike class differences (despite the fact there are clearly class differences in America) yet why all this obsession with our aristocracy?

This isn't just a British person having an anti-America rant either, I know some lovely Americans. I just don't like the way we're shown in American films.


I have to agree.
From the movies I've seen, neither country presents the people of the other all that well. (There are a few exceptions — in both directions.)

I've met too many Brits who live in the US to believe that you are all so formal to the point of being stuffy, speaking your posh accents.*

Although I've never been there myself, I sincerely hope that Americans visiting the UK do NOT all act like Ralph Jones.

[* As soon as I wrote "posh accents" I suddenly recalled Graham Norton taping one series of his show from New York City. His remark was, "Here, even my accent is posh."]

I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved.


I liked the way that Ralph couldn't bring himself to say spotted dick. Also I thought it was good when he greeted King Mulambon in a streetwise fashion just because he was black. The African King turned out to be more terribly English than any of the English.


you all realize it's based on a book by a guy from wales right? i'm sure they added some bits but i havent read the book so not sure how close it follows but i believe the book was published in 1980 so not to much earlier than the movie

Uh....oh,oh, it's the pancakes! You don't like pancakes, I will get you somethin else!
