
How does this only have a rating of 4.7? It has some of the best one-liners outside of a Rodney Dangerfield movie.

Seriously, the "I don't have time to be king. I need to find a job." line is classic.

I also love the "There's plenty of notable Ralphs! Ralph Lauren... Ralph Cramden..."


Agreed. I don't know why this movie did as bad as it did. It's funny, got a nice romance, and excellent acting. It's just a fun movie.


I just gave it a little bump with a "10"... (Doesn't have to be a "Citizen Kane" ... I rate according to how much enjoyment a film gives me and "King Ralph" is one of my favorite movies. :-)


Honestly, I found "Citizen Kane" very very boring and fell asleep when I watched it.
"King Ralph" did not really make me fall asleep, so between these two, Goodman would be my favourite....

Before time began, there was.... the cube.


I absolutely agree, DoctorKay. CK was a total yawn. Not sure why some people use it as a benchmark for quality.

And now for something completely different...


"And now for something completely different..."

Now THAT'S quality!

Before time began, there was.... the cube.


LOL, Dr.Kay! Gotta love the Pythons! :-)

And now for something completely different...



Before time began, there was.... the cube.



