Workprint screening

A week ago there was a 35mm screening of this at my local arthouse theater. I was surprised to find out that, completely unannounced, it was an early workprint of the film.

Different musical score (lots of saxophone!), some different line readings and possibly more violence in the shooting scenes, but no dramatic differences. The same copy will probably be used in other 35mm screenings so keep an eye out if you're curious.


A week ago there was a 35mm screening of this at my local arthouse theater. I was surprised to find out that, completely unannounced, it was an early workprint of the film.

Different musical score (lots of saxophone!), some different line readings and possibly more violence in the shooting scenes, but no dramatic differences. The same copy will probably be used in other 35mm screenings so keep an eye out if you're curious.

If this is true and somebody has this thing, then he is sitting on gold mine because i'm sure that the uncut version of The Last Boy Scout would sell like hot cakes. Maybe this was the same workprint version that was used in early test screenings of the film, Warner Bros. started testing the film before it was fully finished so it would explain all the differences. I agree, if anyone reading this has a chance to see special screening of TLBS, make sure you do that and pay attention to see is the screening print some different version of the film.



Hey Frenchie! Thanks for the advice man, i'll do that right now.


Would love to see this.

As much as I love the film, apparently Tony Scott and Shane Black have said the original script was far better. Just imagine how awesome it would have been if the production hadn't turned into such a shít show.
