Totally ridiculous

I just can't watch this movie after my first time. The scene where the football player brings the gun on the field and shoots the other players to score a touchdown? Totally ridiculous. That goes beyond, "Well, it's just a movie." That was not only ridiculous, but incredibly stupid as well.

For me that killed the movie. It didn't matter how good the rest of it was, I just can't get that out of my head. It's the dumbest plot point I've ever seen in a movie. Absurdly dumb. Beyond unrealistic.

And that's a shame, because I like Bruce Willis.


Your loss.

And this from the guy who wants to see a sequel to Battle Los Angeles?

Fiction is fiction, not reality. Do not confuse.



HAHAHAHAHHA!!!! Excellent response, sepism.

The OP is missing out on one of the most badass films ever made, just because he can't take a little over the top shooting in the opening scene.

But we need a sequel to Battle: Los Angeles. Definitely.


gj u pawned him !!!


I liked the beginning, thought it was the best part.

"What do you call a joke that isn't funny?"
"One of yours"


I'm unclear as to what's so ridiculous and unrealistic about the opening scene. Over-the-top, absolutely - but it is within the realm of plausibility, yes? It would be possible for a player to snap and bring a gun on the field and do that, so that scene is a lot more plausible than a LOT of other moments in the movie. (Love the movie, but obviously it's unrealistic - it's just that the opening scene isn't even in the top 20 most unrealistic moments in it.)


Ain't life a b I t c h. Boom!


That's the most realistically possible part of the movie. Plaxico just happened to shoot himself before he carried out the plan.


ridiculous???? this is suerelly one of the most underrated action films ever!!! ,.,.,. Hallenbeck kick so much ars!!!!! \m/


you made no sense.


Your assessment of that shooting is SPOT ON. Not only was it a stupid idea, it was so poorly lit, as if it were an old negro-league football game or a really crappy high school field, instead of the professional football game that it was trying to portray. One of the stupidest scenes in movie history.


I don't think the scene is ridiculous at all to be honest, but I agree with you that the lighting, or lack thereof in that scene was horrendous.


I don't understand. He didn't actually get the points, ya know? He was strung out and painted into a corner by a psychopath that was going to torture and kill him, so he took his self out. What's so ridiculous about that?

"Nothing says "OBEY ME" like a severed head on a fence post."


I guess you didn't get that he felt trapped and stuck in a corner with no way out so he decided to go out in a blaze of glory and do something so over the top. Too bad you couldn't get over it the rest of the movie is awesome. It's one of those guilty pleasure movies for me.


Is it? Look up Jovan Belcher who played for the KC Chiefs.
Or Junior Seau...
some would argue Aaron Hernandez...

This movie was prescient to what the NFL would become.


Hahahaha!! What???? Did any of those guys bring a gun on the field and shoot people during a game? And how to you lump Seau in with Belcher and Hernandez. Seau committed suicide. He didn't murder anybody like the other two.

This movie talked about a decline in football popularity due to free agents and money. The plot centered around a conspiracy to legalize gambling to boost interest in the sport. The NFL has just gotten bigger every year and is now a multi-billion dollar business. This movie predicted nothing.

Seriously, you're an idiot.


Yes it is like many action flicks from the 90s there is not a bit of realism.
That is kinda the fun of it and bruce willis does the bad ass antihero!
To be honest the football part is the worst part of this movie who cares if some drug addict millionaire cheats and murders fellow meatheads?
Would be better with keenan but damon does a good job as a run down jock.
