MovieChat Forums > The Last Boy Scout (1991) Discussion > Why did Hallenbeck investigate the case?

Why did Hallenbeck investigate the case?

When at the police station after Halle Berry was killed and all the shooting, Hallenback says to Dix that his job is finished, that he won't search this case any further, that it's none of his business and he doesn't want to be in danger. Then the scene right after that, he decides he wants to go check out Halle Berry's place. Is there something I missed? Why did he change his mind so fast?


I assume it had to do with his character being a selfish, self-loathing drunkard who didn't care about anybody but his poor self. Probably also hesitant to get himself deeply involved, specially after the fact he was almost murdered by the same hit squad which eliminated Halle Berry.


@panemique Yeah, it was weird. "I'm going home. It would seem my job is done."
Next scene:
"Thinking about going by [Cory's apartment], take a look around."
WTF, what happened to going home?

I guess Shane Black was sick the day he wrote that scene and forgot to explain what changed Hallenbeck's mind.


WTF, what happened to going home?
I think he said he might swing by there on the way home (originally by himself) but Jimmy hooks up with him after the spiel about the supposed high-tech security system. It seems pretty strange that the cops aren't more interested in Cory's residence considering she'd been the victim of a professional hit.They just seem to leave the investigating all to Joe.🐭


In Shane Black's original script, as they're leaving the police station, Jimmy threatens to tell the cops Mike's car was parked outside Joe's house and that Mike was messing around with Joe's wife...unless Joe stays on the case. Joe wants to kick Jimmy's ass, but thinks better of it, not wanting to start a fight in a police station.

So the original motivation for Joe staying on the case was made clear. The finished film underwent a lot of revisions from script to screen (a lot of stuff involving Joe's wife was cut, including her involvement in Milo's fate). I don't know how much of it Black was responsible for, but it sounds like a rushed revision process.

Please Clean Up After Your Pet Peeves


That's right but not quite accurate:

Jimmy wants Joe to continue the case and offers to help him but Joe says 'no' at first. Jimmy then threatens to tell the cops Mike was sleeping with Sarah so then Joe would become the prime suspect for Mike's murder. As a result Joe agrees to continue the case but then reveals he was always going to continue the case anyway and just told Jimmy 'no' just to get him off his back so he could work alone instead. Joe also reveals that he wants to earn his fee from Cory, $200 which he winds up taking from the suitcase at the end of the film.


... something to do with been 'the last boy scout'

and in the millisecond after The Large Hadron Collider explode,appeared the words:LEVEL 2
