The similarity to Die Hard

I know this isn't a revolutionary observation, but, my God, it might as well be called "Die Hard 2.5". Bruce Willis is a chain-smoking cop/investigator "tough guy with a heart of gold" (though especially bitter in this movie) with a rocky marriage, whose job keeps him alienated from his kid(s) as he's teamed up with a black partner, fellow cop or not, to stop the illicit money-making scheme of the antagonist. Both protagonists even have a name starting with a "J"!


It's a similar character he plays to be sure. Burned out tired guy who comes through in the end with no discernible skills either than the inability to give up. But then that was the type of character that was popular in the late 80s and early 90s. The movie was more like a "Lethal Weapon" for the downtrodden.

"You're all superheroes?"
"We...fight crime. Call it what you will."---Mystery Men


But better.
