MovieChat Forums > The Last Boy Scout (1991) Discussion > FAST FORWARD EATS THE TAPE!


Fast forward eats the f@ckin' tape...

"Don't believe everything you hear on the radio." - Charles Foster Kane


Our one piece of evidence and your sh_tty car eats the tape. Your f_ckin' car sucks!

WINGED FREAK...Terrorizes?....Wait till they get a load of me...


I kinda always hated that bit. I mean, just respool the frikkin thing. just try it it before you give up.

Bring me four fried chickens and a coke.


Why did he even FF it anyway, the first time they've ever heard this one piece if massive evidence and he decided to zip through it.


Why did he even FF it anyway, the first time they've ever heard this one piece if massive evidence and he decided to zip through it.

That was my thought the very first time I saw the scene and every time since.


He was impatient. The people on the tape were doing small talk and he wanted to get to the juicy parts that explained why his girlfriend had been murdered.

Seriously, is it that freakin hard to reply to the right thread instead of any random one?


Yes a slightly messed up tape like this can be carefully respooled/repaired so very little info on it is lost.

But Hollenbeck was only a former Secret Service agent - they aren't too smart.


If this is ruined I'm gonna crush your nuts...


Halle Berry is my fast forward.

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer Simpssssss--" - Frank Grimes


oh how I loved that line,, it was so funny when I heard it I couldn't stop laughing.

are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite
