Blu ray

So how is the BR compared to the DVD?

You're gonna become a very dangerous man.


I have the Blu-ray Double Feature that has Last Man Standing and The Last Boy Scout on the same disc. Coincidentally, I saw True Romance on Blu-ray last night, which is the movie Tony Scott made after Boy Scout. Personally, I thought the Boy Scout Blu had much better picture quality (even though it was two movies on one disc) than True Romance. I don't know if it was because of Joel Silver's production or Last Boy Scout having a bigger budget than True Romance...but it definitely looked nicer.

A solid upgrade over the Last Boy Scout DVD with some nice facial details during close-ups and colors that pop. That said, it's an early 90's movie and Tony Scott was fond of using a lot of smoke and such, so the Blu-ray isn't going to look as good as a movie released in 2012.


I have the LMS and Boy Scout combo blu ray too and the quality is superb on both films. I just wish there were some special features but I understand they probably couldn't fit them on the disc.

Utah! Get me two.


The Warner Bros. DVD I have of "Last Boy Scout" only has bonus trailers and production notes. We've been getting gypped on supplemental features for this film for years.

"Don't believe everything you hear on the radio." - Charles Foster Kane


The UK bluray has only "Last Boy Scout." Sound and video are very good. Only a trailer for an extra.
