MovieChat Forums > The Last Boy Scout (1991) Discussion > IIRC wasn't this to be another movie 'fr...

IIRC wasn't this to be another movie 'franchise' along the

lines of Lethal Weapon or Die Hard? Thought I remembered hearing/reading that this was to be the first in a series of movies, but didn't do well enough at the box office to justify a second one (heard the same thing about 'Unbreakable'). Can anyone confirm?


If that's true, that sucks. IMO this series would have given Lethal Weapon a run for it's money. Not that I don't like Lethal Weapon, but I imagine a Last Boyscout series would be better, especially if Shane Black stayed on.



Lethal Weapon and Die Hard weren't made to be franchises, they were well made and earned a chance to make sequels. You can't really set out to make a franchise, because if your first installment is a dud then you're dead in the water. Just try to make a good movie and if people like it, then think about making a sequel.


From what I read the film was a modest money maker but I think with Joel Silver producing and Tony Scott directing they expected it to be as big as Die Hard 2, which I think hit the 100 million mark in America! I think Boy Scout only his about 40 or 50 million but from what I understand it was up against Star Trek 6. This film would have been better fit for early spring or summer! But for most people who like these sort of films it is appreciated. Plus, it's pretty down and dirty and doesn't fit everyones taste. Lethal Weapon and Die Hard have moments of release from the grim aspects of the story as Boy Scout seems to wether in it the whole film.


Uh, what? Last Boyscout had a kid, scenes where the good guys are laughing at the bad guys and a scene where the kid saves the day. The result was a so unbelivably cheesy, and it's was a lot less gritty than Die Hard. Also a lot of the "funny" lines didn't feel natural at all, unlike Lethal Weapon.


I think what he means to say is that it's a harder R film than the Lethal Weapon or Die Hard movies.

The main character was especially sullen and depressed and dark. Also, the secondary character had a drug habit he didn't really kick and the film kind of wallows in misanthropic humor from the perspective of the protagonist. It's cheesy in a dark way, a little like that movie In China They Eat Dogs, but far less over the top.

Lethal Weapon could have escaped with the PG-13 rating had the blood and language been toned down and this made it much more accessible to a wider audience.


I Once had the 1992 Holiday Movie special on E!. I remember then interviewing Joel Silver and he was talking about LBS being the start to a new franchise for him because Mel and Danny were getting pretty expensive for any further Lethal Weapons. While I'm sure he was just joking around, you gotta think he was hoping against hope it would come to be.
