MovieChat Forums > The Last Boy Scout (1991) Discussion > What is the explanation behind the title...

What is the explanation behind the title?


What is the explanation behind the title?

Kind Regards,



See the movie.


Joe Hallenback is such a clean cut all-American type that Jimmy Dix refers to him as the "Last Boy Scout" when he autographs something for Hallenback's daughter.


I just have to add a little bit more when it comes to the reply from the nickname zenanarchist1- "Joe Hallenback is such a clean cut all-American type that Jimmy Dix refers to him as the "Last Boy Scout" when he autographs something for Hallenback's daughter."

Joe worked earlier as a secret service-agent for the president of the US. Before Joe kicked Jimmy out of his home he found a pic of Joe next to the president and told Joe that he looked like a real clean and proper guy or something and Joe replies "Yeah I was a real boyscout". When Jimmy left the house Joe's daughter wanted his autograph so he wrote "To the daughter of the last boy scout"

This movie is btw one of my favourites.

Sure I could be polite and courteous but where's the fun in that?


Bruce willis character is the last good "cowboy" in the world. He follows the rules and law.



At the end he also tells Jimmy his motto is "Be Prepared" which is the motto of the Boy Scouts of America.


I LOVED that line! But as he and Jimmy are discussing how to be a detective, you get the distinct impression that they are setting up a sequel yet a sequel has not been forthcoming. I'd love to see a sequel, but after 21 years it may be too late.


Ha! That went right over my head.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


Funny, I thought "be prepared" was an in-movie joke.

In other words, both Joe & Jimmy know it refers to Joe's "boy scout" background.
