What Went Wrong Here?

I think this was one of the more famous box office fops of 1991, wasn't it?

It should be noted...EVERY film on wikipedia is a box office success.

History revisionist geeks who reedit again and again!!


Let's go back to reality and the actual year/month/day:



I'll probably be the first to tell or admit to you that The Last Boy Scout is probably a film that you really have to be in the "right" frame of mind to watch and enjoy. It's even by that genre's standards of the day, a really angry and dark action-thriller. If you don't have a strong stomach for loads of obscene language, brutal and graphic violence, and a cynical, bleak tone for good measure, then this movie isn't for you. Any sort of levity or humor is more on the gallows side. Like the scene where Bruce Willis' character literally kills a henchman by punching him in the nose.

