Joe fucked up his ONE job

He gets hired as a bodyguard.
Literally 15 minutes later he is incapacitated and his client gets killed.

I love this movie, but this initial fuckup is too much to be ignored like the scripts does.
They should have given Joe a better reason to be surprised and let Cory die, more unavoidable and not his fault, certainly better than picking up a cigarette from the floor.


Nobody likes you. Everybody hates you. You're gonna lose. Smile, you fuck.




Yeah, ok he is a loser.
But, as we see in the movie, he also is exceptionally good at fighting bad guys and rescuing people.
He is in a bad spot at the beginning not because he is bad at his job, but because his morals and that piece of shit senator got him fired.

So, fucking up with Cory is a huge and unacceptable blunder.


is it on 4K, i need to rewatch it


No, I think not.
But you can rewatch it anyhow, it's good fun.
