
I haven't seen Proof yet, but am very much looking forward to it. But I was wondering if it had any sexual content in it because I'm going to see it with my dad and he's a bit uncomfortable with that sort of thing.
I've heard lots of good things about this movie and I hope it will be as good as I expect.


I'm probably too late, unless your dad is a very patient man...there are two sexual scenes. In one a woman's breasts are revealed an an act of oral sex is begun but stopped before it goes very far. A later scene shows two people embrace and lie down together about to have sex, but then the film cuts away. No nudity in the later scene. It's an erotically charged film in some ways, about how people manipulate each other and learn to trust each other. But I won't spoil any more for anyone who hasn't seen it. It's for mature audiences in the "thoughtful adults" sense; nothing is gratuitous or titilation for its own sake.
