MovieChat Forums > Sleeping with the Enemy (1991) Discussion > be better if she'd taken self defence cl...

be better if she'd taken self defence classes over swimming classes

that way she could have whipped his ass...


LOL! Not likely, unfortunately. Its rare that a woman can take on a man like that, that's mainly the stuff of movies.
Especially a psychopath like Martin.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


Actually, you're comment reflects a misunderstanding of what self-defense means.

In general, self defense training for both men and women DOES NOT rely on physical strength. The reality of life is that people are generally picked on by someone who is bigger than them.

Women can learn techniques to minimize injury to their body while doing damage to their attackers.

For example, Krav Maga is a type of hand to hand combat that is good for women. It teachers women how to turn a man's physical strength in a DISADVANTAGE. In other words, you can use an attacker's body weight against him while striking vulnerable parts of the body (i.e. larynx, torso, abdomen) etc.

Also, many women's self defense centers have documented police reports that show women escaping from dangerous situations.

Self defense is about developing situational awareness to enhance your options in the event of being attacked.


a class on international economics would be good too.

Season's Greetings!


Sorry to disagree But most self-defence courses are crap and would not help you much against a determined man. I study marshal arts and can say that very few women can protect themselves. Just look at domestic violence statistics.
Women beating up men twice there size only happens in TV and Movies.


"I study marshal arts"? Really? It's "martial arts". The I take it you study how to be a marshal (or sheriff)?
I cannot believe someone who claims to be a martial artist who cannot even spell it correctly!


That's funny. Maybe hecwas taught by eminem, AKA Marshall Mathers.




Well, she did knee him in the balls pretty good.


Exactly, billythepub.


Jennifer Lopez made a movie about that, called ENOUGH.
It's not very good though.
I don't mean to impose, but I am the Ocean.


Then the film would be called 'enough' not 'sleeping with the enemy'.

Maybe she felt it was easier if he thought she was dead then he wouldn't try to find her. As apposed to her having to defend herself every time he got violent .


No it was better the way it was in the movie.


considering how ben burned the pot roast...a cooking class would have been helpful.

The food I've liked in my time is American country cookin'-Colonel Sanders 🇺🇸


Lol they should've worked a joke in about that.


Schedule might not have worked out as she took the swimming lessons early in the mornings. I would have recommended a Crime Scene Investigation course so she could have gotten rid of her wedding ring.
