The best line from any film in cinema history is in this movie...




I have always liked 'hey pal if I had a face like yours I'd try to make it up with some kind of personality'


Hey there everybody!!

I think any line from Michaelangelo is great! I watched all films today and I quote from the first movie, when the turtles are fighting the Foot and Mikey is on the floor avoiding an axe he says "the only thing safe in the woods... would be the trees"

How GREAT is that line... I LOVE IT!

Oh and also (we all must agree since it was aired on the trailer so many times)


I think everybody who has posted their oppinions on this site should all get together and create a fourth movie!!




You are too high to be writing.

He didn't say "The only thing safe in the woods would be the tree's" He said "Man, with you guys around, the only thing saving the tree's is the woods!".

Because nothing saves the tree's but more tree's growing. He says that because they are chopping up all the wood. I also, just got done watching that!

Serious, you contrast his truth and mike was always full of it.


I know this movie like the back of my hand. Sorrenmj is right. Mike is rocking back and forth on his shell while one of the foot soldiers is trying to hit him with an axe. The foot soldier keeps missing him and Mike says "It's a good thing these guys aren't lumberjacks. The only thing safe in the woods would be the trees" because the foot soldiers keep missing their intended target, and if they were lumberjacks, their intended targets would be the trees.


He didn't say "The only thing safe in the woods would be the tree's" He said "Man, with you guys around, the only thing saving the tree's is the woods!".

Because nothing saves the tree's but more tree's growing. He says that because they are chopping up all the wood. I also, just got done watching that!

I know this is an ancient post, but what on earth do you mean?

The line is clearly "the only thing safe in the woods would be the trees".

Is there some kind on in-joke im missing?

Never defend crap with: "It's just a movie"
My work:


He didn't say "The only thing safe in the woods would be the tree's" He said "Man, with you guys around, the only thing saving the tree's is the woods!".


"They're all dead.....they just don't know it yet." - Eric Draven


Even as a child, and to this day, the one part of this movie that i found to be disturbing is when Keno wants to have a crack at truly discovering the turtles' home by pretending to deliver a pizza to April O'Neill that she didn't order, and when he knocks and she doesn't answer, he tries to open the door, while it's locked, very violently, i might add. Now, even if i WAS harboring giant mutant turtles in my home, i would still chew out the pizza delivery boy for trying to unlawfully enter my home without MY permission. I'd be like, "Excuse me, you don't EVER, EVER attempt to come in my apartment without my say-so, you little runt, now give me that pizza and get the hell outta here". If it were me, i would've called the cops on his sneaky little ass. Since she and he both knew that she did not order that pizza, i would've taken it without paying and threw him out of the apartment. Besides, the character of Keno annoyed the crap out of me, he couldn't act. Of course these TMNT movies aren't known for their great acting, but Keno was still unlikeable.

"Imagination is the Figment"


no best line in cinema history is in this movie's predecessor

Raph: "A Jose Canseco bat, tell me you didn't pay money for this."




naw man vongrove hit it on the head with the canseco line


"Angrily walking in the room"

Tatsu: mmmmmmmhmhmhmHMHMHMHMHMHMhmhmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!
Tatsu: Her father, GONE!!

"Kicks the table"

Tatsu: They will pay!

"Chops the wood"

Tatsu: I, Tatsu! Now lead!!!

That is the funniest line not in just the TMNT triology, but the best line in all movie history!!! I swear to god, everytime I watch the part, I die die die DIEEEE laughing. Do you guys even realize the humor based on that scene?


HAHA YES!!! I agree, I love that line.

I want you to hit me as hard as you can - Tyler Durden


I gotta say, all the pop culture references in the movies are pretty damn good. There's the Conseco bat one, Ralph Nader, Turtle Wax, the list goes on...


I laugh my ass off every single time I watch this scene XD


I think the following lines are hilarious, although the effect wears off a little when said out of the movie:

"That was easy!"
"Yeah, a little too easy."
"Hey, there's Raph!"
"Yeah, a little too Raph."


You forgot 'little too quiet'...


Donny starts pushing the big clown doll and looks at the camera.

Donny: Yeah, ye-yeAH.



I think Don looks much more cartoonish in this scene, compared to the first film although I am not sure which costume I prefer but you are so right about this scene!



lol you are king


I was watching this movie earlier today, and I watched that part like 6 times because I could not stop laughing. Basically any time Donny looks at the camera and says or does anything it's amazing.


hahaha just you reminding me of that cracked me up.


i like the first one where they are fighting foot in the sewers and donnie is on a skate board fighting and Raph sees him go by saying "Show off" and hits a foot soldier without even looking at him I love that part its great every time!


That just made me LOL for real. I love that part!

"I have little ambition. I have many great thoughts about ambition, but no follow-through"


the best line is in the lab when the ooze goes flying through the air, then the foot soldier catches it and goes: aaaw HAAAAW!!! -- genius


Best line. In responce to girl saying "in your dreams" to the pizza boy pick-up line..."in my dreams I'll dream of something a little thinner!"



"I'll kill you with my teacup,"richard b. riddick-COR


The best line was,

"Raphael! Do not change channel!"


it have been a while since i saw this movie but i remember a line that goes something like this
- Take the ugly one!
- No you take the ugly one
- I take the ugly one
- Which is the ugly one


From the first film I love:

LEO: Raph! What we're you thinking?
RAPH: I don't know Leo, I was thinking about doin' a little re-decorating. You know, a few throw pillows... a TV news reporter... what do you think?


RAPH: Cricket? Cricket? You gotta be somebody who understands crumpet to understand cricket!


Im sorry if this has been said, but I loved it when Michaelangelo said "Didn't we see these guys at Wrestlemania?"

Yes I know my spelling is bad.

John 3:16

Give Reese Witherspoon her Oscar now


WHen the turtles are coming in.. Awesome, Wild , and then Don : ''Accapella''


My band And I performed the ninja Rap. its hilarious to listen to especially when i forget the words!



What about...

"And now it is, uh, time...for the, um...annual, pre-fight donut!"

"Oh no dudes! They found the cubes!"


I think we're forgetting the all time classic:

"And next time I'll use mustard!"


Michaelangelo: You want a pickle? I'll give you a pickle!


I always liked: 'My record, on the record, shows that I have no off-the-record record. Make a record of that'!


Best Line:

When they are in the club and the foot start coming, donatello does like a mint scissors kick to the head of one of them and does an awesome dance saying...I WIN YOU LOSE!!

Watch for's awesome.


when Shredder mets Tokka and Razhur for the first time.

Shredder: Come forward, my creatures. Attack me if you will...but by the end of it, You will call me master!

Tokka and Razhur: Huh!?

Razhur: Ma....mama?

*Razhur looks at Tokka and Tokka looks at Razhur*

Tokka: Mama!? OHH! MAMA!!!


*Both creatures walk up to Shredder and hug him*

Shredder: Get---get off me!!!

*Shredder bursts through the door of the cabin.*


LMAO I laugh myself to tears everytime i see that!


my favorite is right away in the second movie

Leo: Awesome
Raph: Wicked
Don: Eclectic
Mikey: Eclectic, jeez
(Mikey gets punched in the face)
Don: Oops


I just love that line in the first one "raphel should be dropping by any minute"
Then he comes crashing in through the ceiling fighting all the foot clan.

Best part of the second one was when it cuts to the professor dancing to the ninja rap for a second.


It was Donny, and it was MASTERFUL


I have to agree with you on this one but my altime favorite part is when mikey's like hey guys check it out! Wax on, Wax off! Wax on, Wax then Raph says Mouth off!!! Everytime I watch that I laugh til I fall off the couch.


"I;m Leonardo"

"I'm Michalango"


"And I'm Raphel"

Mikey: "yeah, all the good ones end in 'o'"


"mall security?" " delivery!"


Hey, this is a pretty cool board!

A couple of my most favorite fuuny lines are from the first.

When the boys are fighting the clan in April's apartment, and the second floor collapses to the basement, and Mikey goes "Wipe Out!"

Also, in the same area, they are all in the heat of battle when Casey enters, and Leo is in the middle of a skirmish and turns around and snaps. "Now What!"

In the second movie, that was also filled with some funny scenes! One was when Raph yells out Shredder's name, startling Donny, and he yells at Raph "Thanks Raph, now I'll probably never have the hiccups again!"


If you watch a part of them in April's apartment, April inquires about where Splinter is. It goes something like this, and if stopped correctly, it sounds pretty dirty.

"Where's Splinter?"

"We don't know, he's been up on the roof all day."

"Doing what?"

Splinter: "Coming..."

006: "She tastes like...strawberries..."
007: "I wouldn't know..."
006: "I would."


And if you listen for the remainder of the scene, there are several double entendres, mostly related to Splinter's roof activities.


You guys left out the best. "Affirmitive. Yes. Yo. Right man."
