what rating did you give it?

5 here original is better

not as violent as the original kiddied up
The dark atmosphere isn't there
no casey ??
different april??
ending not really believable
soundtrack not as good as the first
Shredder NEVER fights them

BHT RISES myspace.com/blackheart60


very rushed. production on this began 3 months after the first was released. only 4 months of post production. they wanted to get this into theaters as fast as possible. of course being 6 at the time i could have cared less. now at 28 i look back only with nostalgia. but i can watch the first one and still enjoy it

If time is not true, what purpose have watchmakers?



I didn't like them making Shredder more of a buffoon in this movie where in the original he was really evil and intimidating and I also didn't like the lack of Casey, I agree Paige Turco's version of April was nowhere near as good as Judith Hoag's.


5/10. I give it that because some of the ideas were interesting but weakly executed.

Spider-Man 3. The Dark Knight Rises. Really, what's the difference?



The Turtle costumes still look surprisingly well after all this time.

The rest of the movie is dated as hell. The fights are bland. Even for a kiddies film, the acting and dialogues are extremely cheesy, only David Warner (the professor) is passable. The guy that made the Shredder voice was also OK in his poor man's Darth Vader channeling.

Tokka and Rahzar look really bad and fake compared to the turtles, even compared to Splinter. I also disliked the music greatly.

This movie and the next sequel were dumbed down for the kids, at least the first movie throws a few bones for the adults. I really liked these movies as a kid, but 20 years later I feel sympathy for my poor mother that took me to the theater to see this crap.


My ratings:


An 8 I guess.

"Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown"



