So the Police just left Shredder's Body in the garbage?

I haven't seent this movie in years, but I remembered as a kid, I wondered why the cops/para-medics/etc just left Shredder's "dead" body in the garbage truck. Yeah I know, it's a fantasy based movie where you have to be in a suspension of disbelief, but man..what a plot hole!

Also, I hated the fact that Super Shredder basically killed himself. Image the fight scene between him and the turtles. I'm just assuming that they ran out of moeny and time by the time they got to that scene!




I attribute it to Todd Langen being a terrible writer.

"Nothing is inexplicable; merely unexplained."


I'm a little confused. How did the cops even know Shredder's body was in the garbage truck?


To be fair, there's no indication they DID know. But see here's the thing... the Shredder falls from the top of a building into a garbage truck and Casey hits the switch, turning the compactor on. How did the Shredder survive THAT in the fist place? Really he shouldn't have even been back for a sequel, because that should have killed him.

But supposing he wasn't killed, the police, if they had been doing their jobs properly, would have inspected the entire area, and this presents the possibility of them learning where the Shredder was (or the garbage people could have discovered his remains later and reported it to the police).

The sequel is pretty contrived. It would have been smarter to introduce a new enemy altogether and leave the Shredder and the Foot confined to the first film.

"Nothing is inexplicable; merely unexplained."



"In 1993 they did a movie without Shredder and that is one the reasons why it was bad. And A few years after that they took Shredder out of the show. One of the reasons why the show got bad."

I like the third Turtle movie a hell of a lot more than the second, with one of the reasons being the Turtles are branching out and fighting a different villain. One of the reasons I hated the original animated series so much was because all the Turtles ever did was fight Shredder and Krang and co. and that got SO BORING.

And in the original comics that started it all, the Turtles fought a wide variety of villains, some even tougher than Shredder, and those were good stories. The new animated series is under the supervision of the Turtles' co-creater Peter Laird and he wisely isn't forcing the Turtles to stick to fighting Shredder exclusively. Repetition breeds monotony, monotony breeds lifelessness. Maybe there are some kids with shallow imaginations who don't care if the Turtles face no one but Shredder and Krang until the end of time, but the rest of us want more variety than that.

And how could it have been "too much for kids" to not have Shredder? You're insulting quite a lot of kids with that insinuation.

"Nothing is inexplicable; merely unexplained."



"Sorry, but it's true. At that time very few episodes didn't feature Shredder."

That hardly proves that it could have been too much for kids to not have Shredder. You're going to have to do better than that.

"Nothing is inexplicable; merely unexplained."






i HATED the fact that Super Shredder died, by killing himself like that. Stupid! It was a complete waste of a good character, and they made die like a fool. A damn fool. Did the ozze shrunk his brian?

I really don't know the story behind this. Either the director ran out of time and money, or he's just stupid!


I always loved the episodes of the cartoon with Rat King and Leatherhead. It would have been cool to see one of them in the second movie rather than more of the Foot Clan. It's a shame Krang never made a film appearance, though.


Hmm i more wondered, why the hell he choose to lie, in the garbage for so long, before choosing to raise his hand from the pail...
I mean April's appartment burned down in the first movie and during the time between the 2 movies; she has gotten herself a new appartment and seems quite established there, with furniture and everything. That's not something you do in just 3 days.
Hmm if i was the Shredder, i sure as hell had gotten out of that stinking garbage as soon as they dropped me there - not choosen to lie around for serval days, maybe even weeks...
Hmm maybe he was in a coma - weird thing too, that he did'nt die of starvation...

Whutever - just some thougts, now we're debatting that whole Shredder/surviving/not being found thing...


I'd like to think that the turtles helped with april finding a new apartment, this is why it only took 3 days. Perhaps Casey Jones gave them his apt., as he randomly dissapears for the second movie.




I'm just thinking the cops got lazy and didn't want to deal with Shredder's body in the garbage truck.

Someone made a good comment about April's new apartment.

And maybe, Shredder decided to take a nap for a month before it was time to 'raise his hand from the dump", giving ample time for April to buy a new apartment.



Four talking ninjistu fighting mutant turtles...can't be hard to miss.


I did find it odd that shredder manages to survive a garbage compactor, but after he becomes super shredder a simple roof falling on him kills him. I remember absolutely loving the ninja turtle movies when they came out and I was younger, and that didn't seem to bother me back then.


I have a perfect explanation....Shredder is magical!


And maybe, Shredder decided to take a nap for a month before it was time to 'raise his hand from the dump", giving ample time for April to buy a new apartment.
Ha ha ha! That cracks me up!! LOL


Well killing off Villans is something that bothers me in alot of Comic Book adaptations I think they should have left Shredder alive at the end of 1 and the Sequel should have brout him back but also have additional Villans.

Except that by killing off the Shredder, the first film was being true to the comics. Sure, he didn't blow himself up (as in issue #1) nor did Leonardo decapitate him (per issue #21) but they still killed him off and that was being true to the comics. They just chose a semi-off screen means of killing him in order for the film to remain kid friendly.


I just watched this again the other day. I found a small detail that many have missed on Super Shredder. The scientist(forgot his name) that gave the ooze to tonka and razor said that he tampered the ooze to make them inferior. Shredder drank from the same ooze and got super strong like tonka and razor, but also seemed to lose his brains.




It's pretty easy to miss. I didn't notice that little snippet of dialogue until I watched the movie again just a little while ago. Apparently that little detail managed to slip past me all these years. :P

(Kinda weird finding something new in a movie like this)


Here's something that always bugged me. Didn't Professor Jordan Perry, use the last canister of mutagen on Tokka and Rahzar? So why at the end, does Shredder have a full canister, AND, a vile? Because then we see Professor Perry go and pick up the canister after Keno knocks it out of the Shredders hand. There shouldn't be ANY more ooze left.


That always bugged me, too.

.. and then in the scene where they're pumping the ooze into the 'cage', it looks like more is coming out through the tubing than the amount that is in the canister (unless it is being pumped very slowly) ....

It would have been easier if they hadn't been so specific about there being only one left. :P


Yup. Agreed.


Yes, I've been wondering about this also for the longest time. So Professor Perry got the 'last canister' that Keno kicked, but still managed to acquire more ooze in a vile? I don't get it.


Even though they mostly just battled Shredder and Krang all the time. It was the best written most entertaining of any other incarnation of TMNT; granted it was down right goofy at times, but that was part of the charm.

Let's face facts: The cartoon is what most of use fell in love with in the first place. Only later did we go back and do research on the comic book and discovered we liked that as well.



I have never read any of the comic books but just by watching the tv shows and the movies, I do have one thing to add to this discussion. I hear alot of people making the argument that shredder should have been left behind after the first movie, but I think that Shredder was just as important to the life of the tv show as the turtles was, in the tv show at least. Personally when I was a kid he was one of if not my favorite part of the show and I liked the fact that he was in the first two movies and one of the reasons I didn't like the third one was because shredder wasn't in it.



I always thought shredder somehow survived the trash compactor but became seriously cut up from it. "His face!?" from one of his ninjas. There are serious timeline holes though. He fell into the truck in the middle of the night, and emerged at night (same day, next day?) His ninjas who didn't get arrested reunited at the junk yard in what appears to be only a few hours after the big fight (and a junk yard is not the same as a garbage dump, shredder did a lot of walking?) But then we see April's fully furnished apartment. The turtles have been living there long enough for her to complain about how messy they are, there's a dozen old pizza boxes on the table, and Keno remarks how many times he's delivered pizza to her lately. And she asks if they've found a place to live yet (and she sounds like she's already asked numerous times).


The time line issues can be solved, albeit clumsily, with a simple, the two time lines don't converge until the characters do. There was no "two weeks later" but it's not completely unreasonable to assume that the stuff with the foot is set the night after, or a few days after, and the turtles are a week or two later.


I thought they kidnapped the professor in order to produce more of the ooze. The shredder kept the last canister but had the Professor manufacture more in order to transform Toka and Razar. That's what I always thought anyway. I could be mistaken.


I think it was implied that he was crushed in part 1. No point getting the remains of the body.


to the OP not to mention they let casey jones get away with murder when he cut the disposal machine on. all those witnesses when he says "opps!" right before he moves the lever.....

why didnt those kids run before the cops came?




he never died in the first movie dumbass


Shredder must have just gone completely nuts at the end of the movie. Why wouldn't he just pour the ooze on his skin like he did for the Turtles, Tokka, and Rahzar? It worked for all the other mutations, but dumb@ss Shredder decided to put that disgusting sh*t in his mouth and drink it. Maybe that contributed to his death in this movie, in addition to the mound of rubble that piles on top of him. That ooze crap was probably eating away his insides.



Yeah, technically the Turtles were just kind of crawling around in it in the sewers, but I was just saying that drinking that sh*t (especially since he knew that the result would be very dangerous and unpredictable) would be the act of a madman such as Shredder.


Bringing Shredder back for this one did lead to some pretty cool scenes (actually the only really awesome one I can think of is the "I thought I saw a ghost" scene in the junk yard) but really, it wasn't worth it. I mean Splinter's speech about dieing without honor at the end of the first movie, that was awesome- and then, the Shredder lives and that scene loses a lot of it's impact when you think back to it after watching the second one. Course, this is me thinking about it now, as a kid, I not only didn't think about it or care, I loved Shredder in the second movie.

Now, I think that they should have brought in the Rat King, and maybe have Totsu or however you spell his name take over the role of shredder and try to rebuild the foot, include the plot line of the ooze, but have a surprise ending where a few rebellious foot soldiers reveal the real Shredders tattered body, they cover him in Ooze, which restores him, he kills the fake shredder, and fights the know, something like that.


The second movie was awesome, Shredder was my favourite character in the first 2 movie, and thats one reason why i only watched the third movie 1 or 2 time, i don't even remember much about it cause whithout Shredder i tought that was not as cool.

As the explanation, i just think Shredder come back the same night as the final scene in the first movie, but get his forces back and the rest of the movie occur later.



I doubt April was staying at Caseys apartment in movie 2....Caseys apartment is most likely a stinky dump cuz that's all he can afford lol ;)

Yeah , it sounds plausible that Shredder would die from drinking the ooze....

Anyone have the movie 3 comic adaption , there's a scene where one of the turtles actually gets sliced with a sword....pretty gritty considering how movie 3 turned out , had it been gritty and dropped the sillyness it could actually have been good !


OK, for everybody trying to figure out HOW THE SHREDDER CAME BACK TO LIFE in movie 2, here's the freakin' explanation you all missed in the film!

Shredder wasn't given a proper burial, but instead was put in a landfill. The very same landfill where Ooze had previously been dumped (resulting in those mega-huge sunflowers, the scientist's interview with April in the beginning). Because his remains were disposed of in an area where Ooze had been recklessly dumped into the environment, it brought him back to life. Most likely it took awhile to regenerate him, soak fully into his system, but that's also why he wasn't afraid to touch or drink the ooze. Just his second dose turned his regenerated body into the Super Shredder.

I figured that all out when I saw it as a kid in the movie theatre! Geesh. They did all that exposition for a reason! Duh! Not to sound evil, but it's not that hard to figure out! When the scientist realized the ooze had leaked into the landfill being cleaned up, found the huge sun flowers, that's when he decided to dispose of all the ooze in an environmentally safe way to stop more mutations. Shredder had risen though, Splinter told the Turtles about the Ooze, and they converged to fight each other at the lab where the last batch of ooze remained. Simple, isn't it?

Watch it again, actually pay attention, and everything just might make sense! Except for Vanilla Ice, because that will never, never, never ever make any sense!



I don't think you can say that it was easy to catch on to because I never did in the 15 plus years since I've watched it and neither did any of these people, who seem to be pretty intelligent. There's a big gap with that idea because there is no hint anywhere that the ooze brings things back to life. It is known to mutate things that are already alive but nowhere do they say that it can revive something that has been dead for most likely a month. Also Dr. Perry says that they lost one can down a sewer. Even if Shredder was lying in the same area where they dumped the first ooze (which I'm not seeing in my head. Nobody dumps toxic waste in a dump.) there is no indication that it would revive him. If that was their intention, then they didn't try hard enough to explain it.

Also, why does it take Shredder so fast to mutate at the end of the movie when it took days for Tokka and Rahzar? Maybe it was because he was presumed to have drank the ooze instead of rolled in it. Also, his clothes mutated along with him, which doesn't seem right.

I know most people think it's silly to debate the reality of a movie with four giant talking turtles, but writers should at least take the time not to insult their audience by assuming that they either don't notice or care about basic credibility.

*Jumps off the soap box.*



Well, let's see here. A massive hand punches straight through a 20-30 foot dock, and does monstrous sounds, and brings it down and the Turtles are down and see a massive 14 foot monster with massive superhuman strength and no brains left. Plus, look at him, they sure he was taking Bane's drug or something.

What...what in the butt. I said what..what in the butt- Butters Stotch.


Tokka and Razar were babies, whereas Shredder is already an adult and a lethal warrior, so it wouldn't take as much to pump him up.

I think as far as how Shredder survived, he's covered in metal so he might be protected and as for the time, I think there's a blur there where the Turtle time is about a month later and the Shredder stuff is within a day or so.


I think he may be still alive, I mean with all that power and crushed by that?

What...what in the butt. I said what..what in the butt- Butters Stotch.


Yeah, Shredder being alive in the second movie is a plot hole because there's no way in hell he could survive being crushed by a trash compactor. They tried to compensate by making it seem like he survived with physical deformities, but it didn't work because he never looked physically deformed to me, the only physical injuries he seemed to suffer were some scars on his face. Surviving being crushed by a trash compacter would have given him much more serious injuries than just some facial lacerations.


In the films, he never experimented by putting the mutagen in the sewers and never heard of it before the henchmen camera guy told him about it and the mutated sunflower. Like Perry said, it was an accident in the sewer.

What...what in the butt. I said what..what in the butt- Butters Stotch.



I'm still trying to figure out how Shredder's suit, helmet, and spikes got so much bigger when he drank the ooze. Did he sprinkle a little on his suit first? Does ooze work on inanimate objects?

Why is Denis Leary famous and Bill Hicks isn't?
.....becuase there's no cure for cancer.


No idea, suspension of disbelief.


He wasn't wearing it in the compactor. In the second movie, you see the helmet lying in front of where he sticks his hand out, so it wasn't on him in the compactor.




I say this film takes place a year later after the events from the first film. Shredder could have been in a coma under grabage for a year.

"Yippee kai yay, mother fVcker"


If the police did their job Casey would be in prison wouldn't he?
