Time Frame?

What's the time frame between the first and second movie. It seems like it might be a week or so. That and Shredder's body would perhaps start to decay after a while when he was at the dump if it had been a month or so?......


Presumably long enough for April to find a new apartment, furnish it, and get tired of the Turtles living there. That and long enough for her romance with Casey to fizzle out.


The time frame doesn't make sense. The first 20 minutes with April's new furnished apartment, the Turtles living there seemingly for a long time, it all points to it being months later. But then we see the remnants of the Foot Clan gathering at their fallback spot which seems to be the same night as the final fight of the first movie. The conversation, "This it?" and "Everyone else must've been picked up," also makes it seem like only hours have passed.

If it's been 6 months or so, then those uniforms must smell something awful.


I had always assumed the scene with the Foot Clan regrouping was meant to take place earlier than the prologue of the film. Then again, it's never made abundantly clear, so you could just chalk it up to poor writing/film-making.

Please don't hit my "reply" button unless you're replying to me. Thank you, come again.


I used to have a signature much like yours. Still got a crapload of misdirected replies. Is this the case for you as well?

Very good, Louis. Short, but pointless.


Yeah. I discontinued that signature though, since it wasn't really working. Ah well, people are people.

Your friendly neighborhood pastor


Yeah. I don't get how much more obvious you can make it...!

Very good, Louis. Short, but pointless.


Thinking more about this, it might have made more sense to put the first Foot scenes in the beginning of the film as a prologue. We get the New Line logo and then fade to the garbage dump with the eerie music. Shredder's hand pops up, the last of the Foot regroup at the junk yard, Tatsu claims leadership for 2 seconds, beat-up Shred makes his entrance and spruces himself up. "There is only one thing next - REVENGE!" Cut to black. A title card reads 6 months later or 1 year later or whatever then fades to the opening credits pizza montage.

Not only would that minor edit kick ass but there'd be no more timeline confusion.


that's EXACTLY what they should've done. I kind of assumed April had a relative's place to sublet (she did have a house in the country in the first one) and then Shredder returns, plots revenge, but it takes time to put the plan in motion. But what you wrote is how they should've handled it.


In this movie how did April already have a new apartment with neighbors who knew here and fully furnished? They could have had them go back to the farm her family owned.



At least six months I'd say.

-April has had enough time to get a new apartment and all the furnishings. After collecting the insurance money from her old place burning down? Where do the turtles stay during the time before April settles in?
-April has gotten a new TV job and the Foot has had enough time to infiltrate the station with the cameraman after they see she's back on the air reporting.

If so...

How does Shredder find the Foot's new hideout but more importantly, what has he been doing for months?

-He might have just run into a Foot soldier on the street and asked for Tatsu's new location?
