Anyone ever catch the swearing?!

Ok all.... hear me out. If anyone can watch the opening of the movie.... forward to the scene where everyone is eating pizza. When they show the police and the suspect in cuffs, you hear (what I think is) a bit of swearing in the background (SOB and others). Can someone take a quick peak and let me know if I was hearing things?

"Sit your five dollar @ss down before I make change."


All I hear is the police radio in the background.

Later in the movie one of the turtles does say the s word. Its in the scene where they go to the TGRI building and are looking at the computer. Once the computer starts to crash one of the turtles says "No, no, no, no" and just after that if you turn the volume up a bit you can hear one of them whisper the word.



I heard it last night when they showed it again. In the beginning when they were all eating pizza they have the scene when the three guys are walking and listening to the boom box and it scene scrolls to the cops with the suspect and you can CLEARLY hear in the background....Some guy says "You're a pain in the @ss you son of a B____"

I would request anyone reading this check it out... bet they'd be surprised.

"Life with no freedom is a waste. Freedom with no honor is a bigger waste."


what your hearing is the rap song playing on the boom box, I used to play the soundtrack tape all the time as a kid. It's some goofy rap song by Latino rappers rapping about the bible.
