Pizza Place

Where is the Pizza place in the beginning of the movie? Does it really exist?


Do you mean Roy's? Don't know, but don't think so. Seems pretty generic to me.



Not RAY's pizza....the one in the movie is called ROY's pizza. No, ROY's does not exist. I looked it up myself for a long time & that particular parlor never existed. The location was shot in midtown manhattan in the 30's streets on the east side. Koreatown is the name of the area if u want to get specific.



It may not be called ROY'S but its a real pizza parlor. I doubt they built an entire Pizza restaurant just for a 3 second scene in the movie.


Isn't it funny that in the first movie they eat domino's but in the second movie it was roy's? Did they get sick of domino's or did they just want to try a different place? I wouldn't blame them since domino's pizza, even though they kind of changed the receipe, still doesn't taste that good.


I actually remembered when Domino's was actually tasty.


i think domino's went out of business in the turtle universe

Bond James Bond
