What is the SECRET of the 'Ooze'?

What is the secret? (Spoilers fine with me.)


It can make 4 simple turtles mutate into Ninja Turtles, can make a wolf and a snapping turtle incredibly strong and stupid. It was originally made from TCRI, a secret multinational company run by Mr. Mortu. He is really a pivotal part of the Utroms, a peaceful group of Aliens who crash landed here back in Feudal Japan. Also, Jordan Perry was supposed to be revealed as an Utrom, but could be mistaken for Krang. http://tmnt.wikia.com/wiki/Ooze Also, Shredder drank ALL the ooze, making him immensely strong and powerful, but also decreased his intelligence akin to Bane from DC/Batman.

As You Can See, I'm A Lot Happier- Joker 89




Anytime, I'm, rarely the guy on these boards. I have some info in the TMNT 03 version. It's kinda long. Ch'rell is a mass murdering Utrom (like Zod) taken in by Mortu who is like Jor-El to a prison, he escapes and lands in Japan. While there, Ch'rell steals a prototype suit and masquerades as The Shredder who was once a Tengu and was defeated by Oraku Saki, the real Shredder. Anyway he tries to kill Mortu, and the Turtles were in a simulation of the past to better understand the Utroms. Stockman interrupted and The Shredder almost killed the Turtles, Splinter, and the Guardians back in Feudal Japan, but they stopped him and he fell down a cliff. Outside of the simulation, the Shredder, Hun, and the Foot attacked and the Fugitoid mimicked the Shredder's voice to stop Stockman (he was controlled by the Shredder's voice), and Stockman was freed and electrocuted Shredder. After trying to kill Mortu with a Techno-Organic Virus, the Turtles, and Splinter finally stopped him, and it was revealed that he's an Utrom. Ch'rell was then incinerated by the bomb that Stockman planted in the TCRI building. I'm out of info, anytime just ask.

As You Can See, I'm A Lot Happier- Joker 89


Thank you again, you are very kind.


Weeew!!! Thanks dude.

What...what in the butt. I said what..what in the butt- Butters Stotch.



The Bane comment, I know. But think of this, you are injected with a super steroid prototype drug, you would lose most of his brain cells.

Proud Member of the House of Zod



Point taken, I forgot about the tampering of the ooze, good call.

Proud Member of the House of Zod


LOL that pretty much sums it all up!


wait hold on your saying the whole films story links with the cartoon series we say 19 years ago?

Bond James Bond
