Professor Jordan Perry Vs Baxter Stockman

When I first saw previews for the movie before I saw it. When I saw Professor Jordan Perry I actually thought it was Baxter Stockman. Did any of you gys think the same thing?


April did say "Spokesman Professor Jordan Perry", so no Baxter Stockman.

Proud Member of the House of Zod


yeah but in the previews we had no idea who he was he was just a guy in a lab coat with glasses and a bow tie who wouldn't think that he was baxter stockman


Maybe, but if there is a Stockman in the future film, Chiwetel Ejiofor should be him. Also Stockman>>>>Perry

Proud Member of the House of Zod


Professor Perry was an utrom. Not human!


I heard about that, he was like Mortu probably.

Proud Member of the House of Zod


I think Perry was just some random Utrom probably cuz when Mortu is in his android body and looks human they still call him Mr. Mortu so I dunno. I mean yeah, it wasn't confirmed he was an utrom in the movie but according the the old script he was. I like to think that he still is and just didn't show his utrom body. haha


Touche. Or maybe he's a human confident that TGRI has, I mean not all the Utroms work, but they probably have human workers. I think he's an Utrom too.

Proud Member of the House of Zod
