MovieChat Forums > Are You Afraid of the Dark? (1992) Discussion > Episodes you Remembered from Childhood?

Episodes you Remembered from Childhood?

So we all remember watching this show when we were younger, but how many episodes actually stuck with you? When I first revisited the series a few years ago there were some episodes I had no recollection of and some I didn't remember until I started rewatching. The following episodes were ones that stayed in my mind all those years in-between:

Laughing in the Dark (who could forget Zeebo?)

The Captured Souls (I don't know why, but I never forgot this one. The imagery always stayed with me.)

The Pinball Wizard (I think it was mostly the imagery: the witch and executioner and the ride on the chair. I vaguely remember sitting down and watching this one as a kid.)

The Midnight Madness (how could any kid escape the image of Nosferatu coming out of the movie screen?)

The Dream Machine (I just vividly remembered the vampire dance dream sequence)

The Hatching (I always remembered the scene with the kids mindlessly walking and watering the eggs. If I recall, Buffy had a similar episode so maybe that's why it stuck with me.)

The Phone Police (I remembered the premise of this episode which was odd because after rewatching I really disliked it)

The Dollmaker (I remembered the scene where the girl's doll arm fell off or something like that. It really stuck with me.)

The Bookish Babysitter (once again it was the imagery of the witch and knight that stuck with me)

Cutter's Treasure (this two-parter was one I never forgot.)

The Renegade Virus (okay, call me easy but as a kid that virus scared the *beep* out of me. I never forgot it.)

The Quiet Librarian (the imagery of the kids screaming and no sound coming out just stayed with me)

The Ghastly Grinner (like Zeebo, he was hard to forget)

The Unfinished Painting (the scenes in which Jewel Staite is stuck dancing in the painting and when the woman sets fire to it were fresh in my memory)

The Closet Keepers (an odd one to stick with you I guess, but I always remembered the scene where they used the map to go back home and escape)

Dead Man's Float (it made me nervous to go swimming for gym class; unforgettable)

The Chameleons (who could forget Tia and Tamera?)

The Unexpected Visitor (aliens making contact and all that but the scene I never forgot was when the younger brother was having all that ice cream. No idea why)

A Door Unlocked (the little door smoking never left my mind)

The Night Shift (another unforgettable episode)

The Silver Sight (I remembered more about this one than any other probably because 1) nick showed it soooo often, 2) a lot of the scenes repeated due to showing different character perspectives, and 3) it was in the last season so I was old enough to remember better)

The Lunar Locusts (maybe it was because Tara Lipinski was so popular at the time but I also never forgot the end scene in the football field.)

So which episodes never ever left your mind?

As I mentioned there were some that I recalled but only after revisiting them whereas the previously mentioned episodes were always remembered at least partially due to strong imagery, etc. Some that I remembered after going back through the series included: The Lonely Ghost, Twisted Claw, Hungry Hounds, Super Specs, Nightly Neighbors, Thirteenth Floor, Frozen Ghost, Old Man Corcoran, Quicksilver, Crimson Clown, Fire Ghost, Station 109.1, Vampire Town, and Oblivion.

All the other episodes were new to me even though I know I watched them as a kid. Just not as memorable, I guess?

So which ones did you never forget?

Which did you recall only after a new viewing?

And which did you forget altogether?


Your list seriously jogged my memory and I pretty much remember a bulk of them but if I was going to pick a handful that stuck with it be

1. The Ghastly Grinner. No doubt. I'm a big comic fan, he had to be the creepiest villain ever.

2. The Fire Ghost. To this day I still don't stare into a fire too long because I still remember that.

3. The one with Layla Ali I believe. It was like a demon that lived in her room and entered when she drew a chalk door and that had killed her sister. Absolutely terrifying.

4. The Pool Monster. Made me scared of swimming pools and also interested me in chemistry.

5. The Pinball machine for sure. Mostly because of the witch. Witches always freaked me out. Still kind of do.

6. The Bookish Babysitter, same reasons as above.

Man what a good show. I got all the DVDs a few years back but they were burnt bootlegs and they've stopped working unfortunately but I may have to reinvest. I can't believe some of the imagery portrayed is for kids, but hey, I guess we all made it through all right.


I sadly never got to watch the show when it originally aired since we never had cable, an only remember seeing a few promos advertising it when I used to stay at relatives houses that did have it.

Channel Six News, they'll finger anything with a pulse!


Top 5

The Tale of the Midnight Madness
The Tale of the Dangerous Soup
The Tale of the Night Shift
The Tale of the Pinball Wizard
The Tale of the Dark Dragon

"I'm just a happy camper! Rockin' and a-rollin'!" - Patrick Bateman, American Psycho


I'd say the one that most stuck with me was "The Tale of the Lonely Ghost". I guess because it was one of the first episodes and Snick used to promote it pretty heavily. But that shot of the words "help me" written backwards always stayed in my memory.


I distinctly remember watching the Tale of the Twisted Claw when it first aired. That got me hooked on the show and it's still the best adaptation of the Monkey's Paw I've ever seen. I recall the Tale of Forever Game when the show came back as well as the Tale of the Silver Sight. I remember the Tale of the Quicksilver as being one that genuinely scared me. The tale of the Phantom Cab sticks out to me after all these years as well as the tale of the Frozen Ghost-- mostly because it was heavily promoted and it guest starred Melissa Joan Hart who I had a major crush on at the time.


Oh dear Lord not Zeebo! I hate clowns! Especially Zeebo. Plus the one episode that had Gilbert Godfried in it. Nothing against him but the manical laugh his character had freaked me out. I hope I have the right show and person. If not I do apologize. I am now rewatching them on YouTube after not seeing them for like 20 years. Plus the one about the taxi driver freaked me out.


I apologize. Gilbert G was in the episode of station 101.9 or similar to that. However, the pilot episode with the taxi cab is one that frightened me then.


When they show was on, I remember it was distinctly around 7:30 p.m. and after it, All That would come on. Since I was pretty young, anywhere from 6-10 years old, I rarely sat through all the episodes. The ones that come to memory are Dead Man's Float and I remember that episode very vividly. The other one was Zeebo, but I did not remember him so much. What I did remember from that episode was that balloon being blown up below the crap of the door with the message "Give It Back".

I am currently watching the episodes of this series on a bootleg site. Other than those two episodes, I do not remember if I watched any others.



The Tale of the Lonely Ghost
The Tale of the Hungry Hounds
The Tale of the Pinball Wizard
The Tale of the Chameleons
The Tale of the Quicksilver
The Tale of the Frozen Ghost (are you cold?)


Laughing in the Dark - scary af
The Midnight Madness - I love vampires so...
The Hatching - This makes me hungry?
The Chameleons - This could have been a movie!
Twisted Claw - First episode ever, I think this was shown on Halloween!?
Hungry Hounds - I ride/train horses and fox hunt so...ya
Super Specs - Humanity is screwed!
Nightly Neighbors - So Eerie Indiana!
Thirteenth Floor - The discovery at the end!
Badge - This should have been a movie!
Vampire Town - The ending is so depressing, right when the kid finally grows up... and now he never will!
Dangerous Soup - makes me hungry
Night Shift - Creepy
Pinball Wizard - kid is screwed, what an ending!
Dark Music - OMG
Sorcerer's Apprentice - hell ya
Locker 22- Happy ending!
Jake and the Leprechaun - Should have been a movie
Whispering Walls - 'damn'
Watcher's Woods - Creepy af
Mysterical Mirror - should have been twice as long
Vacant Lot- should have been twice as long
