Night in Question

Did Nick and Nat sleep together?


It is open to interpretation. My thought, as a long time FK fan, is, yes from the conversation they had the next morning.

Nick: Natalie, is this.....Is what I am the thing that makes you so sad?

Natalie: It's what kept us apart.

Nick: But we're together now. Last night.? (He pauses before continuing)
We can't be together.

Natalie: Last night I believed it was possible...That we finally won. We can't have the relationship we want Nick. It just... wouldn't work this way.

See my thought is she said kept. This is the past tense of keep. If they hadn’t, she would have said keeps us apart.

"Listen, I don't tan, I don't burn, I implode."


I totally agree based on the conversation they had that they did sleep together. I just thought it was strange that Natalie would not slept with Nick his bedroom with him after NOT on the couch. That dream sequence just threw me off and then Nick waking up alone and Natalie sleeping on the couch isn't something normal for a couple who just slept together. Just my opinion.


The fact they didn't "wake up" in the same bed has been argued among FK fans for years. My thought is maybe she didn't want to take a chance on sleeping besides aamnesiatic vampire who might wake up and need blood immediately or they did the deed in front of the fireplace where they were kissing before the commercial break. There is lots of Forever Knight Fan Fiction that covers this and Last Night as well.

"Listen, I don't tan, I don't burn, I implode."
