Doctor Who

A friend of mine told me the other day, that there was a Doctor Who reference in this movie, supposedly during the party scene. Does anyone know anything about that?


A friend of mine told me the other day, that there was a Doctor Who reference in this movie

Does anyone know anything about that?

Yeah...your friend.

And so, God came forth and proclaimed widescreen is the best.
Sony 16:9


Ok, nice try. Thanks for raising my hopes :D

Let me rephrase that: a friend of mine heard that there was a DW reference in the movie, but he doesn't know what or where exactly. So, does anyone know and can tell me?


a friend of mine heard that there was a DW reference in the movie, but he doesn't know what or where exactly

Makes even less sense now.
How does this whole thing come about?

Some random person said to your friend one day "There is a Dr Who reference in Braindead." For no reason?
You friend didn't think to follow this up with anything like "What reference?"
So the friend has no idea what the reference is or where it happened, so how does he know there is a reference at all if he knows nothing about it?

Also, you say there they don't know where it happened...but previously you said your friend said it happened during the dinner scene.

Here's some advice...ask your friend.

And so, God came forth and proclaimed widescreen is the best.
Sony 16:9


Is someone else here? Someone who might know something about a Doctor Who refenrece in Braindead?



"if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice" Rush




The priest does have a slight resemblance to the Third Doctor, John Pertwee, especially with his grey hair and exceptional martial arts skills.


If there was, you would be able to google it.



most people fail to evne think about googling before asking.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


I don't buy it. Mostly because the movie is set before Doctor Who was a show. The movie takes place in 1957 and Doctor Who first aired in 1963. So if there is a reference, it's an anachronism.

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Peter Jackson is a huge Dr. Who fan (read his trivia), and there is a very obvious reference in his earlier film BAD TASTE.

If there's one in this, I didn't catch it. I did find on a recent viewing that the lead guy's mannerisms reminded me a lot of Matt Smith's Doctor. Obviously not a reference, but a similar acting style.


Peter Jackson is a huge Dr. Who fan (read his trivia), and there is a very obvious reference in his earlier film BAD TASTE.

The difference is that Bad Taste isn't set before Doctor Who first aired. :P

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