
I love this movie. I've seen it at least 10 times. Looks perfect to me.


It is indeed a most spectacular film.




I think this film takes a special type of person to appreciate it. Fortunately I am one of those people. Though the beginning of the movie is a bit unrelatable due to it being filmed in Australia, by the end of the movie I was in awe by the massively gory scenes and the quality of the low budget effects. The absurd story line only added to the appeal of this movie as it culminated at last with a giant monster. There really was something great about this film although I can't quite put my finger on what it was. Perhaps the fact that it did not fit into a formula, was what made it so great.


It was filmed in New Zealand, not Australia.


Thank you for the information.


You'd have to be a slacker if you didn't agree.


i was entertained from first minute to last, one of the best guilty pleasure movies

so many movies, so little time
