
i was wondering if it is ok to show this to my 9 year old cousin? considering it is sort of a comedy. i wanted to get some input on people who are more acquainted with the film. thank you.


I'd say no. It's one of the goriest movies of all time and would probably give him nightmares. There are scenea that still make me cringe to this day. It's not really a comedy as it is a horror comedy.


Absolutely. :)


Agreed with the first responder. It is more campy funny and most of the jokes would be missed by most children in that age group. (Somewhat comparable to The Return Of The Living Dead , yes there are jokes but you are still watching a zombie movie).
The priest and a nurse become rather "close" and the movie tone itself is more "adult" humor.

This is some of Peter Jackson's earlier works and tho it may not be top notch special effects, he had his own brand and passion for gore. Have you seen "Bad Taste" ??


Just show it to him! Forget what everyone thinks! It's not like it's an X rated porn movie or something like that. :)



I would say no. It is a comedy, but it deals with some very adult situations. Like Paquita almost being raped by Lionel's uncle.

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