Favourite death?

Screaming girl punched through her mouth is top of my tree.



When they drag that guy through the window and he's missing all the flesh from his legs.


Uncle Les getting his spine ripped halfway out

Quite exciting, this computer magic!


I know people tend to list the custard pus and lawnmower as their favorite gore scenes, but I think every kill at the party(minus the lawnmower), both living and zombie were priceless. The girl with the glasses getting her face peeled apart from the inside by the baby. The Zombie chick who gets her head caught in the light bulb and has that glowing face. The guy who gets his facial skin ripped off, being left as a bloody skull. All that's GOLD! Gore gold! Why don't think make horror movies like this anymore, and I don't mean heavy gore and camp, I mean imaginative. Kills that make you say, "Wow, I wouldn't have thought of THAT!". That's greaser dudes's innards were slopping around, chasing the main guy. That's pretty damn imaginative!


The nurse getting her head ripped almost all the way off always amused me.



the peadophiles head being kicked about the floor was great, then paquita finished him off in the blender. loved it when she ripped uncle les's spine off too and smashed his skull


Ooh, tough choice.

Void being pulled to his blood soaked death by his family jewels is brilliant.

Also at the party when he punches into that girl's chest and pulls her heart out before her very eyes before she dies. Christ, that was brutal.
