MovieChat Forums > Braindead (1993) Discussion > Uncensored version unavailable???

Uncensored version unavailable???

This movie was given to me years ago on VHS and I distinctly remember it being the uncensored version... after watching it so many times it finally broke but I read somewhere that the only version available in the U.S. is the butchered R-rated which is the most imbecilic thing I've ever heard since nearly half an hour would be missing!!! Can anyone confirm if that's true or is the original version still around??? Thanks for the input guys.


The only fully uncut versions are the original cut from New Zealand and the European cut.

And so, God came forth and proclaimed widescreen is the best.
Sony 16:9


Yes, buy it from anywhere other than America and you get the original version.


(sorry I know this is an old post)

This isn't true, I ordered my copy from Korea (titled Braindead and everything) thinking it was the longest uncut version and its the 97 minute one.



This isn't true, I ordered my copy from Korea (titled Braindead and everything) thinking it was the longest uncut version and its the 97 minute one.

The full runtime is 104 min.
The 97 min cut is the "unrated" US version...and even that is still cut.
The only places that have the full 104 min cut (are as I said) New Zealand and Europe.

And so, God came forth and proclaimed widescreen is the best.
Sony 16:9


You don't cut down a gorefest like this, which is supposed to be as disturbingly gory as possible. You slap an R or an X on it and publish it. Christ sake, there's no "making it more suitable for more audience". If someone wants less, they don't want this at all! So *S*, *F*, and all kind of nasty things to the ones who made the censored version..

I got the full version in Norway on VHS, and it just sounds ridicilous to cut from that. What's the point? Really?


So *S*, *F*, and all kind of nasty things to the ones who made the censored version..

That would be Peter Jackson.
He of his own free will cut it for the US market and has even said it's his preferred version of the film.

And so, God came forth and proclaimed widescreen is the best.
Sony 16:9


Then *XXX* his softened heart, I hope he gets ebola!

(I don't really wish that upon him, I'm just emotional. Excuse me, I need a moment...)

