MovieChat Forums > Braindead (1993) Discussion > Why is it set in the 50's?

Why is it set in the 50's?

He could've used most of these plot threads and characters in the 90's setting as well.




this was also a time where New Zealand politically and socially was beginning to pull away from Britain as a mother country, and began taking in American culture. This kind of matches with the mother and colonisation themes Jackson made the film around


You can't have greaser zombies in the 90's, duh.


Why not?


Because it's more complicated and costly to do and this wasn't exactly made with a triple A budget. Also, because the story does not really require it. Finally, because the movie kind of looks like the 90's more than the 50's.
I'm not complaining, I like the look of the movie. I was simply curious.


I thought the 1950s setting was one of the best things about the film.

The cars, the radios for entertainment (no TVs!), the prams, the hairdoes, the picture of QEII as a very young woman, etc.


Ahem, they had TV's in the 50's When I saw the tombstone with 1957 on it my jaw dropped. By 1957 there were TV/appliance stores everywhere. It looked more like the 40s.


We didn't have TV in New Zealand until 1960, and then only in Auckland. Wellington, where the movie was filmed and set, got TV in 1961.

Nothing Is Real


We made our film in the 40's, why? Because it's a cool era!

You guys should check out "Carnies", I think you would appreciate it.
