MovieChat Forums > Braindead (1993) Discussion > Stupid censors! - SPOILER ALERT

Stupid censors! - SPOILER ALERT

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I just tried to watch this again and must have r-rated version because they cut out so many delightful bits of violence that I had to turn it off.

First of all, the violence in this movie is obviously so over the top and fake-looking (I think it's meant to be) there's no way it should get an unrated rating at all! Second, all the violence has a point and adds to the movie in some way. It's brilliantly done. If you cut out the part where the mom eats her own ear, you lose a hilarious scene and a more reasonable explanation for why Nora Matheson is so terrified.

So, I'm trying to buy the movie and I have no idea which version I originally saw, probably the 97 min. one. But I see here that the original is 104 mins so what else did they freakin' cut?! It's so frustrating. The movie isn't that long, there's no reason to cut anything! As for the violence, with movies like Hostel and Saw 37 on our shelves, how can the censors begin to justify their rating system. This movie is hilarious! It's only a horror movie in the loosest sense of the word. They should invent a new word for Peter Jackson's old movies...horrormedies, maybe.

Just had to get that out.





I've compromised. I just ordered the Unrated American version at 97 minutes long. That's the version I think I've seen and I also think it's pretty much impossible to buy the UK one since their DVD players are wired differently. Perhaps, one day, I'll get to see the original. Perhaps, Peter Jackson will issue copies to all fans of his earlier movies in the U.S. Ah, well, I can dream...


Ah, well, I can dream...

You don't need to dream, you just need me.

I also think it's pretty much impossible to buy the UK one since their DVD players are wired differently.

You know nothing about DVD players do you?
It has nothing to do with "wiring".

This'll help... &p=1#129566948

Then buy the DVD...

That's the fully uncut European version (the only versions that are fully uncut are the UK and Oz/New Zeland cuts), converted to $'s for you, they do FREE worldwide delivery and it will work on your DVD player when you unlock it.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.




I watched it on YouTube, and it must've been the censored version (it was about 97 minutes), but it was still extremely gory. What in the world did they take out?

The pump don't work, 'cause the vandals took the handle.



Yeah, the unrated Dead Alive is essentially a director's cut of sorts. Bits of story were taken out, more zombie sex on the stairway... I've only seen the uncut version once, but I kind of agree with the changes that were made. Though that could just be due to the fact I'm so used to the US cut.

I wouldn't recommend anyone buy the pan and scan UK DVD. Try tracking down one of the other European releases that are in widescreen. I own the Italian DVD released by Raro Video.

Anyone who wants to see the uncut version, there's a rare opportunity for you to do so this Sunday at 7:00 p.m. PST. Go here:

I believe what will be showing is sourced from the Raro Italian DVD. Apparently, however, it isn't FULLY uncut. I guess the very original version has a slightly different intro, and that's all that's different.


my DVD says-
"Running Time: Film: 100 mins approx."

would that be the 97 mins? or the 104 mins?
i doubt it's a 3rd version of the film


The censorship on this movie is *beep* confusing. I'm still wanting to know exactly what PJ cut for his version.



like a zombie getting killied with the lawn mower against a wall, that shot is totally missing from the us version.
Not happy


The 104 minute version is the original version of the movie released in New Zealand.

When a U.S. distributor bought the rights to the film, they asked Peter Jackson if he would re-edit the film, specifically removing much of the gore. This isn't censorship in the strictest sense of the word, as the U.S. has no official censorship or any kind of "censors board." It just so happens that the people who bought the film wanted it tamed down. God knows why, but they at the very least allowed Jackson to do the cutting himself as opposed to going over his head.

The result was the 85-minute R-rated version, which was released theatrically, but to my knowledge hasn't been released on home video, at least not DVD.

While he was making that cut, Jackson also decided to re-edit the movie as a whole, finding it needed tighter pacing. I don't know exactly what stuff got cut, but the result was the 97-minute ("unrated") version, which Jackson decided to be his preferred director's cut of the film.

So while the 97-minute version is presumably short on some of the gore of the 104-minute version, it is still plenty gory and is technically the way the film is supposed to be seen.

"God is nowhere, God is now here"
-Hey Nostradamus, Douglas Coupland


The 97 minute version has only ever been released in the US and while it might be the way to see the film in the US, it most certainly is not "the way the film is supposed to be seen" as all other versions out are of the original untampered with cut of the film.

You mention this as a New Zealand cut when in fact this untampered cut was the version released in both New Zealand cinemas as well as cinemas and film festivals around the world and this is also the version of the film that is (and was) the only available version in the whole rest of the world and has been the only available version since it's release. This is the original version of the film that got Jackson his fame and fortune and it is obviously the definitive version of the film. This is the version if the film everyone saw first. Well, except for the American audience who were instead given the 85 minute cut.

The American 85 minute version and the 97 minute version are inferior cuts made for a more Hollywood friendly audience much like the dreadful Star Wars hack jobs done by Lucas and similar revisionist scams and should obviously be looked down upon and ridiculed whenever possible. Revisionist history is not a good thing.



Alls I'm sayin' is the 97-minute version is PJ's preferred version of the film.

From IMDb's "Alternate Versions" page:

When the film was picked up for U.S. distribution, there was a delay when another company asked the distributor to change the film's title so as to avoid confusion with another film of the same name (hence the "Dead Alive" title for the U.S. release). Director Peter Jackson decided to use the extra time to apply some additional spit and polish to the film, resulting in a new cut approximately seven minutes shorter than the original (97 minutes vs. 104 minutes). This cut premiered at the Toronto Film Festival and was eventually released in the U.S. (along with an emasculated, 85-minute R-rated version). Although the 104-minute version remains the most commonly seen (at least outside the U.S.), Jackson has gone on record as saying the 97-minute cut is his preferred version.

I haven't had the opportunity to see the 104 minute version, so I can't compare the two. But I have seen the 97-minute version, and I love it enough to not feel like I'm really missing out on a whole lot. I don't really see how this is "revisionist history" though.

Jackson's film was released, and shortly thereafter, he had the opportunity to (in his opinion) improve upon it by cutting some bits and pieces and tightening the editing. Why should this be looked down upon?



John Carl Buechler hates the MPAA himself. Don't blame him.


WOW - is this actually an instacne of a PJ director's cut being SHORTER than the original?? :-)

Mr Annnderson.....!
