MovieChat Forums > Braindead (1993) Discussion > Don't think this movie is for children(s...

Don't think this movie is for children(spoiler alert)

I saw this in a neighborhood theatre last night and liked it, but was dismayed to see several children, probably under the age of 10 there. I can't imagine how I would have reacted to a film like that at that age. Aside from the nonstop gore, there is zombie sex, cussing, men urinating, lots of off-color language and jokes from the uncle and of course the revelation about adultery and murder near the end.

"I didn't betray you--I simply put a stop to you."


Wow seriously? If this ain't a joke topic, then go burn ur face with fire, plz.


I saw this when i was 6 or 7 years old, and i loved it!


This movie would have seriously warped me at that age. Of course, that would have been back around 1960...


But but... why isn't it good for children? There is ass kicking for the lord! Sure shortly there after he got the point...



Please dellascott, not all children are emotional china plates that shatter upon witnessing mature elements.

If they didn't run out screaming, or they didn't walk out crying and being all nervous looking, chances are, they were able to handle it, at least, to a degree.

Granted, this is definitely an R rated film, and I doubt any parent, even back then, would take their kid to see it, (cause as far as I can remember, MPAA, and ESRB had everyone by the balls, and they still do. Sure, blame the *beep* media, and not the parents, or hello.. LIFE. I learned half of the cuss words I know just by having the nerve to go outside and experience life, long before I watched my first R rated movie. So yeah, how dare there be irresponsible parents, or a cruel life, let's just blame it all on movies and games.) so they might have sneaked in. And since they had the nerve to outsmart the theater staff and watch the movie, hints that they were probably able to handle the movie.


Yeah, in the end its the parents to decide what their kids should watch or not. And how can they can do it? By being there when the film/show/cartoon is on. If they don't like it, then they should change the channel or find something else to do.

The was no way my parents would have let me watch this when I was a kid- now that I am of legal age, I watch a whole bunch of kooky, gory and off-the-wall rated R films, provided there are no six-year-olds around.


I think parents who take young children to movies like this should 1. Not be parents and 2. Be taken straight to jail.
The fact that this kind of garbage is damaging to the psyches of little kids is not up for debate, is not a matter of opinion, it is fact. Granted, some kids mature faster than others, but given that there is the potential for damage to be done, society should err on the side of caution. I have been in movies where some jackass brought their too-yound child, and the kid starts crying when things get ugly. Pretty good hint that the parent needs an asswhipping. That "parents" of young kids bring them to see this kind of trash shows that they are either ignorant to the point of their children's detriment, or indifferent to that same degree. Get a babysitter or make the tremendous, amazing personal sacrifice of not seeing this crap, or seeing it on DVD. ParentFAIL.



No offense to you (seriously, your response makes sense), but I agree with the other guy. I do believe that actual violent imagery does influence a person to a degree. But I also know that we have free will, our actions are our choices and no one else. That includes the media.

But it is for the child's best interests for his/her parent to monitor what they watch. Why? Because they are the parents and the kid has to obey and respect that parent's decision.

Provided that the parent isn't Vera Cosgrove.


"The fact that this kind of garbage is damaging to the psyches of little kids is not up for debate, is not a matter of opinion, it is fact. "

What are you talking about rychyrd??? I watched this movie when I was 8 and I am just fine. I thought it was the funniest movie I have ever seen! No my parents were not around. My friend and I secretly rented it from the local movie store. Actually we rented a lot of R-rated horror movies, most of which were WAY worse than this one. None of them ever "damaged" us. I'm not violent because of watching them. I'm actually a very nice, peaceful individual. To each his own, but in my personal opinion the sumatran rat-monkey definitely isn't scary nor something that could scar a kid for life. Not by a long shot. Sorry, you are very much wrong. I know for a fact that you are.. ;P


I'm pretty sure that neighborhood gangs have a better chance of 'damaging' a child than mature media.

It is not fact, that this stuff affects children. Opinion, yes, debatable, maybe. But far from fact.

To each his own, but don't start rubbing your *beep* in our faces pretending that it's absolute fact.

Get it? Let me elaborate.

The earth is round: fact. Not all kids are 'damaged' by mature media: fact.

Everyone who knows anything about science is a nerd: opinion (a very ignorant one at that), what you're saying about 'this garbage': opinion, which you are pretending is fact.

Have a dumbed it down enough for you?

Though granted, I do agree with most of what has been said about irresponsible parents.

But like I said, society has found it much more easier to just blame the media, and do what they can to ban and trash it (remember FOX's *beep* about Mass Effect?) with all the ignorance possible, when the real problem is the parents.


To rychyrd:

So you think this movie is "garbage" just because it is violent enough to be unsuitable for children??!!

The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!


Are you a parent? Well I am, and granted my son is less than a year old, I do plan on showing him these horror/comedy films.
Kids can access any information they want and most of the time the parents have no idea what their kids are up to. Its up to the parents to teach their children and I would feel comfortable watching these types of movies with him and explaining it to him so he understands. Like if there is a lot of swearing, it is the parents job to make their child understand that certain words are bad and should not be said and will not be tolerated. The parent can't say these words either because then the child won't learn. But the parent has to be there to teach.
Will he get scared of some things he sees in movies? Duh, that is part of being a child. You get scared and then your PARENT makes the bad thing go away.
Some things children are obviously not suppose to see but once again that is why we have parents. To show us right from wrong, to protect and to carefully show us what the real world is like. That is why, rychyrd, society should not err on the side of caution, that is not real life. Children need to see what the world can really be like or else they will get lost in it.


I hope you never become a parent. you would be terrible at it. sheltering life from kids only makes it worse once they realize it, and make no mistake, they ALWAYS realize it sooner or later.

This kind of movie is not damaging to a psyche, provided such psyche is sane to begin with. a 10 year old can diferentiate this from reality, this ability is fully developed at the year of 3 and thats whats not up for debate.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


Man I was watching slasher films before kindergarden...I LOVED them.

So when I saw this film and all the gore in it, Wow I couldn't get enough!!!


porn movies are also "just a movie" but no kids should watching them right?
I also think that for the horror/psycho/disturbing movies.
There is logical reason why kids should not watching them.


Well hey its not like my parents LET me watch them, I had ways of getting them (Brothers mostly),

But overall I agree young kids shouldn't watch yes. and DEFINITELY not watch porn.


It's only a movie!

God, some people act like the world is one big Disneyland!

I'm glad Obama won, but I will not jump on the Pro-Choice bandwagon


Dude, when I was a kid and watched this movie I was horrified for a week! I was 8-9 years old and that stuff scared me to death. Now I see it's actually a comedy, but for my age then it was shocking.


Yeah, some films scared me as a child, but I don't have problem with kids watching R rated flicks or listening to explicit music.

I'm glad Obama won, but I will not jump on the Pro-Choice bandwagon



Saw a sh*tload of horror movies when i was 9, i knew damn well they where fake. The zombie sex had me laughing out loud when i saw it during a tv horror movie marathon!


If I saw this at nine one or two things would have happen- Either I would've thrown up and keep on the nightlight for a week, or I would have loved it and watched it again and again until my sister saw a part of it, get traumatized and tell our parents who would have sat me down for a long, long lecture and ground me for a month.


Don't you love old self righteous holier than thou former 60's 70's 80's drug addicts dictating what children can't see. Fook off with that nonsense. Dumb ass remarks children and parents should be able to come to an agreement on what to watch. I dunno maybe it's because I was born in 1989 and we were different. We had a vast array of tv show's and movies. We watched whatever despite the rating. Maybe it's just us 90's kids.

TUB 4:20


Oh course it's for children! Any kid would want to play with that cute zombie baby. Here's some other great movies you should show your children:


Ok so let me get this straight. You think this is not for children because there is a nurse, whos head is falling off at any given time that is copulating with a priest that got staked on a hand a few scenes earlier. Yes that would be pretty disturbing, if anything like that would be possible. What person in his right mind could get disturbed by that, underaged or not....
Theres the bowls of some guy leading its own life, now that really IS disturbing, but you didnt mention that so i guess thats ok.
Theres blood enuf to fill a see, so disturbing, Im not very into medical stuff but the amount of blood that comes out of these guys is rediculous. I fail to see how a less then 10 year old nowadays would be disturbed by that or fail to see the joke of it all, but apparently, you do.
This whole movie is so damn rediculous, in a good sense because of it its superb, you have to be tottaly void of any humor to be disturbed by it, and as far as i know, kids like to laugh. Well if you cant laugh with it i suggest you go visit a shrink, youre in dire need of one.
And since when is men urinating disturbing oO? Im a man, what, from now on i cant urinate anymore because itll be disturbing ? holy crap my kidneys :(
And if adultery and murder are disturbing, cancel like what, 90% of all movies ? But the thing that most cracked me up on your post:

there is zombie sex,

Yup very disturbing, zombies ..., see those every day, ... having sex oO? Doesnt that say enuf sigh.

Any last words ?
Shut the *beep* up
-Mutant Chronicles-


I saw a part of this as a kid....I remember a man's arms being chopped off and a woman's ear falling into a bowl of whatever the hell she was eating. I cried and couldn't sleep for weeks because I kept thinking about the man's arms being chopped off.


No jokes here. The absolute best time to see horror movies is when you are a child. I actually miss having the ability to be creeped-out by a film. I saw a lot of violent movies when I was very young, and they never traumatized me, never warped my worldview, and never landed me in a psychiatrist's office or the back of a police car. I'd give anything to be eight-years old again and watching A Nightmare on Elm Street or Dawn of the Dead for the first time.

If there were reason for these miseries,
Then into limits could I bind my woes.
