MovieChat Forums > Braindead (1993) Discussion > They made this for $3 million?

They made this for $3 million?

That's just insane.

Compare this to the other big low(-ish) budget movie of 1992, Reservoir Dogs. That was made for even less ($1.5 million), but also comes across as much more of a budget movie.

Reservoir Dogs:
- Mostly takes place in one location (with the exception of the outdoor parts, even the flashback scenes were apparently shot in the same building).
- Takes place in the (then-)present, which means it doesn't need era-specific costumes, locations, or cars.
- Wardrobe consisted mostly of the actors' own clothes.
- Free of special effects, besides soe practical blood effects.

- Takes place in many different locations, both outdoor and indoor (Skull Island, Paquita's store, Vera's house, the zoo, the graveyard, etc.)
- Takes place in the 1950s, which means it has era-specific costumes, set design, and even cars.
- Wardrobe is likely part of the budget, since it's full of old-fashioned clothes that the actors wouldn't likely have lying around.
- Filled to the brim from start to finish with special effects, ending with what may just be the most complex practical effects gorefest in any movie to date.

I'm not trying to be dismissive of Reservoir Dogs here (it definitely didn't need a big budget to tell the story it did), just trying to show and be appreciative of what an amazing achievement Braindead is with its budget (if it was indeed $3 million).



Strange comparison there...Braindead to Reservoir Dogs?

I know you did it purely from a monetary POV, but there is much more to making films than that.
I mean, look at the directors.

Peter Jackson got his start in effects lead horror films, so he knows how to get the best out of the effects with a small budget.

Where as Quentin Tarrantino really is not an "effects man" at all and would not really know where to start with that kind of a film. However, he does know characters and dialogue far better.

Also, while I enjoy both films immensely...they are 2 very different animals.
Yes Braindead had bigger and better effects. But Reservoir Dogs had a better plot/story and far better characterization and even acting.

Plus Braindead was shot in New Zealand not really known for it's film industry and would not have cost as much to film there.
Where as Reservoir Dogs was shot in capital of the world. EVERYTHING costs money to film there.

So looking at it more evenly.
1.5 million in L.A is VERY low budget.
3 million in New Zealand is pretty decent budget indeed.
Or to put it another way...1.5 million in New Zealand is a much bigger budget then 1.5 million in L.A.

Basically, money in films is not just about effects work is it?

And so, God came forth and proclaimed widescreen is the best.
Sony 16:9


The cast in Reservoir Dogs would've been paid more
