MovieChat Forums > Braindead (1993) Discussion > Braindead 104 PAL version

Braindead 104 PAL version

Is it possible to get a completely uncut version anywhere on DVD?
I worked on the film and it's crazy to think that there is official Australasian release. I don't know why Peter Jackson hasn't released a Special Edition (with some of the behind the scenes footage that was being video documented at the time, and no doubt a fantastic gag reel could be put together) of this cult classic horror movie, and I haven't been able to get any decent answers over the years.
I ended up buying the Region 1 US "unrated" version only to discover that it's a cut version. Grrr!
Is the UK "18" version the closest version to being completely uncut, or is the 104 minute version made available as a Japanese release on laserdisc the best version?

"Almost nobody dances sober, unless they happen to be insane."
H. P. Lovecraft


The European (I own) and Oz/NZ versions are fully uncut.

I'm at work right now, but I'll dig around and see if I can find the version I brought when I get home and post a link.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.



"Almost nobody dances sober, unless they happen to be insane."
H. P. Lovecraft


Its always been uncut in england,the BBFC class this as a comedy/horror and while its very gorey its all played for laughs same with bad taste

Remakes Suck


At the moment you can opt to go for any version on DVD except for the two US dvds and the cut Swedish DVD. That leaves, Spanish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, German, Dutch and several others including the NZ version (as mentioned above by the other nice bloke) as well if you're locked to region 4. The British DVD is also uncut like someone mentioned but the picture quality is not as good as the others which all utilize a newer anamorphic transfer.



I'm not sure why you'd opt for an anamorphic transfer, as the movie was only ever in 1.85:1, and not 2.35:1, in fact it was shot on Super-16mm with the tops and bottoms masked off so that it could be blown up to American widescreen (1.85:1) successfully.

"Almost nobody dances sober, unless they happen to be insane."
H. P. Lovecraft


It would seem that you don't know what an anamorphic transfer is. It has nothing to do with anamorphic lenses and the spherical process. Anamorphic transfers for DVD means you get higher definition than regular non-anamorphic transfers. This is a mistake people used to make back in the late nineties and should be a dead issue by now.

Oh and just so you know Braindead was not shot on 16mm, it was shot on 35mm film using the spherical process. The original aspect ratio was originally cropped to 1.66-1 the European standard and not 1.85-1 (American Standard) like you claim. It wasn't untill it hit DVD that the film got cropped to 16/9 to fit the new widescreen TVs with Jacksons approval. Bad Taste was shot on Super 16. I think you might be confusing the two.

In any case the anamorphic transfers made for the European releases of the film are far superior to the old non-anamorphic transfers in more ways than just offering extra resolution, the compression work is also a lot better and so are the colors and contrast levels. These DVDs using this anamorphic transfer are probably the best we'll ever see Braindead in it's uncut original form. I have a HD transfer I recorded of a HD channel and while it offers better resolution, colors, contrast and the works it's sadly made from the butchered 97 minute version omitting several of the films best gags and special effects work.
What a waste, and this severely truncated version missing 7 minutes of the films best offerings is now Peter Jacksons preferred version of the film. It's sad when artists ruin their own art like this.



Okay, yeah, I got my anamorphics muddled ... Thanks for the clarification.
By the way I worked on Braindead and I know for a fact that the movie was shot on Super-16mm and blown up to 35mm.

"Almost nobody dances sober, unless they happen to be insane."
H. P. Lovecraft


Some parts like the the huge Vera creation where shot super 16 and blown up too fit the rest of the film yes, but the film itself was shot using 35 mm. I don't care if you worked on the film. I'll take Peter Jackson and the cinematographer's word for it over some anonymous wanker on the interwebz making inane claims anyday of the week thank you very much.



the cut Swedish DVD. That leaves, Spanish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, German, Dutch and several others

You should understand that the "Swedish" DVD is actually a Scandinavian DVD and therefore the Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish DVD releases are all identical and similarly cut.


No I should not. The Danish, Finnish and Norwegian discs are all uncut.



What's your source for that claim?

I have the Finnish DVD and it is cut.


Just go for the Universal UK DVD, the picture quality may not be the best but it's better than VHS and fully uncut.At least it will do until a proper SE of the uncut film is made available on DVD/BD, if one ever materialises!


Ive just noticed on "releaselog" that Briandead has been released on blu ray by its american name and its still cut at 97 mins. so do yourself a favour. Still own a Blighty uncut DVD


Germany has the best version of the longer cut but ther are so many releases of it over there some are better others myn is the blood edition wich is good but ther is a better version

you can get them all on for about 20 euros

you will have to forgive the lack of full stops lack of proper spelling im dyslexic but not stupid


Finland isn't part of Scandinavia.


Finland isn't part of Scandinavia.
Not true. The Northern part of Finland resides in Scandinavian Peninsula.


The UK version is uncut. Because it's PAL it drops 4% running time and goes from being 104 minutes to 100 minutes, which is what the DVD is (I have it in my hand right now). Interestingly, the censors in our country, the BBFC, actually almost rated the film a 15, which is only our second highest rating, because they thought the film was too funny to be impactful or disturbing in any way (compared to every other country, which butchered the damn thing)


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