MovieChat Forums > Braindead (1993) Discussion > Shout Factory! - Make this a priority...

Shout Factory! - Make this a priority...

As Shout Factory has been working with Universal, this movie is a PERFECT fit for their recent classic horror US releases. As the 2010 BR had less than stellar transfer as well as being barebones, it's about time we get a fully loaded disc of extras, as well as the full cut of this classic!


They also do MGM and Fox with independent titles.

How about Criterion? they would be an excellent choice for a special edition BD that could improve over Lionsgate's horrible BD which has too much grain, washed out PQ/coloring and soft appearance as it needs a good restoration from Criterion with supervision by PJ and extras galore plus 2 cuts of the ffilm.

You killed Captain Clown, YOU KILLED CAPTAIN CLOWN-The Joker on Batman TAS


Criterion!? Peter Jackson name might get them to release it. Wouldn't hold my breath. More like Synapse would release a definative version. You mentioned two versions. Original Brain Dead cut and Dead Alive 97 minute version. No should EVER release the cut version released here in US. Synapse has done great work with some cult classics. Check out Street Trash. Awesome blu ray and gross effects (but nowhere near Dead Alive).


Peter Jackson supposedly prefers the US cut as his final version of the movie, but I had the original cut on DVD from Spain and I like it better. I like the extra scenes of characterization and of course the extra gore! I guess we'll just get endless versions of The Hobbit trilogy on BR for the next 3 years. :-/


And unfortunately his older (and better) films get ignored. I can live without three versions of The Hobbit on BR.
I would LOVE to see the two or three cuts of Braindead on a killer BR release!!
