MovieChat Forums > Braindead (1993) Discussion > i feel bad for people who don't like thi...

i feel bad for people who don't like this movie

Dead Alive (braindead) is seriously one of the best examples of horror movie magic! on the whole the effects are awesome, and i dare anyone to show me a film where zombies kill people in so many creative and gross ways (without the cheaters use of CGI). after watching it again last night, i noticed so many kills/effects taken from this movie and used in others. if you want examples just ask..



Some people can't take gore and gore obviously plays a big factor in this movie. I love how gory it is, how ever.


I thought it was hilarious and fun. Some people just can't appreciate the dark humor of silly zombie movies like this.


Hilarious and fun are the best two words to describe this flick. I absolutely loved it.


I love the movie.

Bobby: "You don't shoot Bambi, jacka$$. You shoot Bambi's mother."


People just don't understand that not all movies are supposed to have a deep, intellectual meaning. Sometimes movies are just made to allow you to forget your troubles, have fun, and enjoy yourself for a couple hours. This movie is very entertaining to me and anyone who doesn't think so must be impossible to entertain.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.


I thought it was good but different than I expected. I gave it an "8." I liked it a lot, but I thought some of it was so silly that it lost a couple points for that. I didn't care for all of the close-up camerawork and how it seemed to drag on in a few parts. But it was awesome, and a great way to see Peter Jackson's genius and talent for creature effects.

I was hoping for it to be more serious in some ways. But I never liked zombie films. Shawn of the Dead was pretty funny. This movie was well done though, overall, and is a great example of where that whole joke of excessive gore came from.

I didn't think it was too violent, and that didn't scare/disturb me. Other movies have had violence that disturbed me, though.


By the way, I like some movies that have zombies in them (or can be called zombie movies), but I don't like the whole genre of zombie movies in general. I think a lot of them are stupid, or overrated (dumb villains that are out in the open and move slowly?).

But not to disrespect anyone who's into them. A well-made zombie movie can be fun. I'd say a couple of the older ones (are entertaining). But I can't even remember their names, so shows how much I care to follow the genre.

Land of the Dead (2005) is o.k., visually beautiful (cool style). I own it on DVD. Just an example. Not the best movie, but worth watching a couple times.


Most people don't get most things created with skill. This is a flawless example of masterful gore/comedy. Don't watch it if you don't have an interest in it at all. Its insulting to the true fans when some brain dead hipster watches this film and makes an idiotic post about it on IMDB after.


I'd be inclined to think that anyone who seriously dislikes this film has some kind of self-imposed inability to enjoy themselves
