a dare

if anyone has a loved one who says they love peter jackson but only seen those movies that have little people walking around new zealand with dramatic music. i employ you show them what the real peter jackson was. needless ot say my gf and her aunt are grossed out now and have no intention of watching meet the feebles with me.

"Hating on haters is a form of Hatin!"


-Spot on!
Way back when they announced that Peter Jackson was going to direct the multi million dollar Rings-trilogy my first thought was; "They're gonna get the Bad Taste/Meet the Feebles/Braindead-guy to do THIS!!??" :-)


I like both PJ's as a director.
I really love his early gore-fest work.
But I also really enjoy his later "epic" movie making too.

My wife loves the LotR films and King Kong...and she also loves PJ's earlier work...and it was me that introduced her to the early stuff too.

Dare taken and completed.

And so, God came forth and proclaimed widescreen is the best.
Sony 16:9
