MovieChat Forums > Braindead (1993) Discussion > The 97-minute version is uncut. Stop whi...

The 97-minute version is uncut. Stop whining.

The extra scenes were NOT taken out for censorship purposes, they were taken out because Peter Jackson didn't like them and because they threw off the film's pacing a bit. It's a different version, true, but that does not mean it's cut.

Now quit bitching and moaning about how the only version in the US is a "cut version" that "ruins the movie with unnecessary censorship".



What you guys really fail to mention is that the "FULLY UNCUT" version, that being the 104 minute version, just has extra scenes of dialogue for the most part, and totally ruin the films pacing. In fact the only scenes that really offered anymore gore was the impaling of Zombie Macgruder and Mactavish doing it and then being lawnmowerd, and then the scene just before "Party's ovah'" showing Paquita and Rita ripping Void's legs apart. That's about it, I may have missed something else but most of its just scenes dragging on an'on. Most notably the first scene with the zoo official and the natives, then the scene with Lionel's mom at the zoo (awkwardly extended) then his Mum being mad at him afterwards was a lot longer (booorriinnggg) and then the last one I can remember was the scene with all the greasers being a LOT longer, before mum comes out and grabs the guys wank as he's peeing. The scene was soooo drawn out, it was sooo boring and totally ruins the anticipation of what was to come next. So yes, there's a couple snippets of cool gore that were cut, but not much, over all, the 104 minute version is cool to own, the alternate opening is really cool (God Save the Queen) but yes, I much prefer the 97 minute version which still includes almost all the gore, pretty much all of it, except for 2 specific scenes, as well as being extremely fast paced!

I own both versions, US version (97 mins) and then Euro version, 104 mins.

Also, its stated online that Peter Jackson himself prefers the 97 minute version. I can see why, like I said, most of the "uncut" scenes are just run on way too long, so they were simply cut.



You need to quit spreading this false information raggeddruid! The 97 minute version has several of the best special effects gags and some of the best jokes in the film cut out and in stark contrast to your petty lies is definitely cut and censored.

The only version that is uncut and as Peter Jackson intended when he made the film is the international version released on DVD in every country except for the US.

DO NOT buy the inferior cut down American DVD which runs at a cut running time of 97 minutes. The correct running time is 104 minutes (99 mins PAL speedup). This original uncut version of the film is called Braindead. The inferior American cut which you must NOT BUY under any circumstances is called Dead Alive.

Dead Alive, in both it's guises, be it the cut to shreds 85 minute R-rated cut or the butchered to death 97 minute cut, they are equally terrible.

So terrible in fact that if someone where to give any of them to you as a present etc. I'd urge you to burn it right away. That's right burn it right away. DO NOT WAIT!

Then buy the proper uncut version from overseas. And never listen to stupid liars like raggeddruid again.



104 min to 97 min = cut.

Does not matter how you slice it (no pun)'s cut.
Now, Jackson took them out to reach a compromise to get the film a suitable rating...not cos Jackson went to the film board and said "I'll cut the film using my own free will".
He did submit the full UNCUT version first.

The US version is cut.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.



Peter Jackson submited the full version, it was cut by request of the MPAA.
Some cuts were made in terms of gore to get the film a suitable rating, some were done for pacing reasons.
As I said, it was cut as a compromise.

The shorter version is 'better' in your opinion only...which is irrelevant to the point raised.

Does not matter how you look at it, or which version you personally's cut.

Jesus died for our sins. As he's already dead...sin away.



...I just said that Peter Jackson prefers the 97 minute cut..

He cut the 104 minute version, which contains almost NO extra gore, remember I said almost, and most of the scenes are just extended scenes with dialogue that drag the film ON an ON...

Which is why Jackson (and myself) prefers the 97 minute version.

REPEAT, the 97 minute version, that includes ALL the gore (except for zombie macgruder and zombie nurses' death) is PREFERRED BY JACKSON.

Jackson has said he prefers it.

The 104 minute version includes all the gore including a LOT of extra dialogue that drags the film on. GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK HEADS.

The 97 minute version has all those scenes excised but keeps pretty much all the gore. then the 84 minute version is CASTRATED and I wouldn't watch it if my life depended on it.


well still like to get value for money, and if a film is longer elsewhere, i'd rather have that. who cares if it has talking. If Jackson hadnt of cut the 2 death scenes out, i would of had the intention of buying the blu edition. [And download a new blu cover cos dead alive just sounds corny]


I have both versions. Living in the US, I was only able to get the extended version from a bootlegger at a horror movie event.

I enjoyed it, but I prefer watching the 97 minute version as the definitive version, same one that Jackson prefers, and for good reason.

Yes I agree Braindead is a much better name. The title comes up as Braindead on my bootleg. However the bootlegger left the cover art as "Dead-Alive"


So, I'm not missing something super fantastic watching the 97 min version?


I don't understand all this stuff about it being cut for a "suitable rating" When I saw the 97 min. US version here in a theater it was unrated, and the DVD is exactly the same, unrated. So it never had a suitable rating, it was always unrated. IMDB lists it as R (heavily cut), but I've never seen that version.


The truly boring and pointless version was the R rated cut released in the US. Not really the same experience.


I have no idea what cut I have- it's listed as being 100mins long!

It has the two gore scenes in it that someone mentioned here, but I don't think it has the extended dialogue (at least it doesn't drag on or ruin the pace for me).

Were any other cuts released?
